The Herald

Dinosaurs really did hunt in packs, scientist reveals


VELOCIRAPT­ORS really did behave like wolves and hunt down their prey in packs, as depicted in the movie Jurassic Park, a top dinosaur expert has said.

In common with other bird-like “raptor” dinosaurs they were highly intelligen­t, according to Dr Stephen Brusatte from Edinburgh University.

Living around 73 million years ago, Velocirapt­ors were small but vicious, measuring about seven feet long and weighing up to 33lb.

On each foot it carried a deadly weapon, a razor-sharp sickle-like claw that may have been used to rip apart prey.

Unlike the movie version, the real Velocirapt­or was at least partly covered in feathers.

Us-born Dr Brusatte, who gave a talk on dinosaurs at the British Science Festival at Hull University, said: “Many dinosaurs were much smarter than we used to give them credit for.

“I grew up with this idea of dimwitted, drab-coloured dinosaurs as emblems of failure. But CT (computed tomography) scanning of dinosaur skulls, which has revolution­ised the field over the last couple of decades, shows that many species, particular­ly meat-eaters like Tyrannosau­rus rex and Velocirapt­or had bigger brains and keener senses than we thought.

“Some of these meat-eaters, like the raptors, were probably in the mammal zone of intelligen­ce.

“T. rex was also quite smart, and it had really keen senses of hearing and sight, so it was very different than shown in the movies.”

The evidence that Velocirapt­ors hunted like wolves comes from bone beds – dense collection­s of fossils in one place – and preserved foot prints, he said.

“There is fossil evidence that some predators did hunt in packs,” said Dr Brusatte. “The Velocirapt­or-type dinosaurs probably did, and even big tyrannosau­rs probably did too.”

How many Velocirapt­ors banded together in a dinosaur pack was unknown, however.

There was also strong evidence some dinosaurs cared for their young – a trait generally only seen in intelligen­t animals, said Dr Brusatte.

He added: “There are some nesting sites with many nests together, with bones of adults and juveniles, showing there was parental care.

“Duck-billed plant-eaters and many meat-eaters probably cared for their young, but the enormous long-necked sauropods probably did not – they simply couldn’t at that body size.”

 ??  ?? „ Christ Pratt was confronted by velocirapt­ors in Jurassic World.
„ Christ Pratt was confronted by velocirapt­ors in Jurassic World.

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