The Herald

Scots MPS have ‘critical’ role in fight for new EU poll


SCOTLAND’S politician­s are “critical” in the fight for a second Brexit referendum, a former UK cabinet minister has said.

Labour peer Andrew Adonis will call on his party to “get off the fence” and back a so-called People’s Vote at an event in Edinburgh today, as he argues Scottish MPS will play a key part in shaping the future.

Lord Adonis will speak at an event at Edinburgh University examining the impact of Brexit on young people, organised by the pro-european Union advocacy group Our Future Our Choice.

He will insist Scotland’s MPS are “critical in the fight for a People’s Vote”.

He will add: “Scotland voted overwhelmi­ngly to Remain, so the Scottish Labour Party must get off the fence and back a People’s Vote.

“The vast majority of Labour

Party supporters in Scotland want one, and they do not want their only pro-eu option to be the SNP.”

Nicola Sturgeon has insisted her MPS will back a new Brexit referendum if there is a Westminste­r vote, but Labour’s leadership has so far failed to endorse a fresh poll. Scottish Labour would not comment on Lord Adonis’s latest remarks.

Meanwhile, Ian Murray, the pro-eu Labour MP for Edinburgh South, will use today’s event to call for Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson – who backed Remain – to throw her weight behind a second referendum.

He will say: “Tory leader Ruth Davidson backed Remain and it’s time she told her Scottish MPS to stop acting as Lobby fodder for the Brexiteers, and get behind a People’s Vote.

“She can’t claim to support the Union while putting it at risk with a hard Brexit.

“Her MPS have a key role when this comes to the Commons – it’s time to put the country before the Tory Party.”

Labour MEP Catherine Stihler will argue Brexit “threatens the opportunit­ies for young people from across Scotland”.

She will say: “We must do everything we can to give people an opportunit­y to prevent Brexit, and there are tens of thousands of youngsters who didn’t get a vote in 2016 who back a People’s Vote.”

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