The Herald

A capital test to care for the city’s elderly


ONE of the indices of a country’s level of civilisati­on is how it treats its elderly and, on that assessment, Scotland’s capital has been found wanting. Last year, the Care Inspectora­te and Healthcare Improvemen­t Scotland reported a series of failings in care of the elderly in Edinburgh, with some patients waiting 100 days for support. On nine quality indicators, four were “adequate”, four “weak” and one “unsatisfac­tory”.

Now a progress review by the same watchdog has found that performanc­e has actually deteriorat­ed in some areas and that, overall, only “limited progress” had been made. Despite improvemen­ts in risk management planning, and the continuing strong commitment of frontline staff and “some managers”, the situation looks dire. Adam Mcvey, Edinburgh City Council’s ruling Snp-labour coalition, has in the past denied there was a “crisis”; a much overused word, admittedly.

But when opposition councillor­s claim, as they did recently, that someone has to die or move away before the next person on the list can secure care, no one can say there is nothing to see here. The council’s social care problems have been described as among the worst in the UK, even if – as with other hard-pressed local authoritie­s – it has tried to meet increased demand by making savings where it can.

Crisis or no crisis, it knows there is a problem and has promised to take action. Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnershi­p, the joint council-nhs Lothian organisati­on in charge, is developing a new carers’ strategy, with a pilot study showing a dramatic reduction in average waiting times. Less promising, arguably, is the creation of two new “leadership” positions. An approach that says, “Quick, appoint some new, well-paid officials”, might help. But we suspect it isn’t the answer. The answer, we know, isn’t easy to find. But if Edinburgh is to retain its reputation as the civilised city we all know it to be, it must ensure proper care for its elderly.

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