The Herald



Gogglespro­gs Christmas Special

Channel 4, 8pm

The UK’S youngest TV critics are back, including eight– year–old Molly and her 11–year–old brother William, who are taking a break from helping out on the family farm to settle down in front of the box, and the charming friends Stephanie and Christina. They’ll also be joined by a few new recruits as they cast their expert eyes over some of the TV highlights of 2018, from news stories to popular hits. The youngsters will also be taking a look at some nostalgic Christmas classics, but will these shows cast a spell over today’s kids, or will they be struggling to see what all the fuss was about?

How to Spend It Well at Christmas with Phillip Schofield

STV, 8pm

The presenter turns his attention to the food and drink viewers will be buying for the big day. Members of the Emmerdale cast blind-taste luxury canapes from the big supermarke­ts to find out which one gets the thumbs up from the Woolpack. Matt Tebutt also prepares three turkeys for Phillip and wife Steph to sample, and Gogglebox veterans Steph and Dom do a gin test.

Things We Love About Christmas

Channel 5, 9pm

Mince pies, Morecambe & Wise, turkeys, tinsel – there are some things without which Christmas just wouldn’t feel the same. In this two–part special, Channel 5 celebrates an array of festive traditions and hears from celebritie­s, including singer and presenter Aled Jones (whose own recording of Walking in the Air would make many people’s lists), as they share their Yuletide memories. There’s also a look inside the factories where it’s Christmas every day as the workers make decoration­s, wrapping paper and toys.

Grizzly Bear Cubs and Me

BBC2, 9pm

Part one of two. Gordon Buchanan joins the Pazhetnovs, a pioneering family of biologists in Russia as they attempt to rehab grizzly bear cub orphans. There are more than 100,000 grizzlies in Russia and as humans encroach further into this vast wilderness, conflict is increasing. The Pazhetnovs have been rescuing orphaned cubs for nearly three decades and have successful­ly returned more than 200 of them back to the wild. Gordon arrives in February when six cubs have just been rescued. They are just five weeks old and each weigh less than a bag of sugar.

The Undateable­s: A Festive Proposal

Channel 4, 9pm

Cameras catch up with some familiar faces and follow their plans to spend the festive season with their loved ones. For some, love has blossomed. For others, it’s still a case of waiting for Cupid to strike. As Lizzie and Joseph make arrangemen­ts to host their first Christmas party, Ray and Christine opt for a more intimate meal just for two. While Charlotte hopes that Santa will bring her a boyfriend, Richard, a self–confessed Scrooge, sees the advantages of being single at this time of year.

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