The Herald

Man is jailed for bleach attack on pregnant girlfriend


A MAN who doused his pregnant girlfriend in bleach and chili sauce has been jailed for four years.

Declan Johnston screamed “I’ll kill you” at Kelly Wilson, who went on to have a miscarriag­e, put his hands round her neck, and choked her, after taking the drug etizolam.

He also trashed a flat, wrecked a corner shop where she fled in fear, and pelted police officers with bottles in a stand-off.

Stirling Sheriff Court heard he had acted after swallowing handfuls of “blue plague” pills.

Johnston, 24, tipped bottles of blue Domestos and yellow Power Force bleach over Kelly’s head, as well as sweet chili sauce and tomato ketchup, and began to smash up his brother’s flat in Bo’ness, Stirlingsh­ire, where they were, with a dumbbell.

The bleach ran into 22-year-old Ms Wilson’s eyes, blurring her vision and causing chemical burns.

She had to climb out of a smashed pane of glass in the locked back door and fled to the local Mccoll’s shop, with Johnston following.

Shop worker Elizabeth Rennie, 60, reminded Johnston he was already barred from the store. Another shop worker, described as being “in her 80s”, was also present.

Johnston replied: “If you’ve called the polis, I might as well do it right.” He began to tear down shelves of drink, condiments, and greeting cards, and smashed bottles.

Swigging a stolen drink can, he pelted bottles, jars and cans at a customer who had entered unawares, and flung a can of beer at Miss Rennie as she tried to make a second call to the police.

He said: “I’ll find you and set fire to you.”

It later took at least four officers to bring him under control, and place him in a police van cage, still ranting and making gestures.

The court heard the incident last October 30 began after Johnston produced a bag of tablets, swallowed up to 20 of them, stashed the rest and fell asleep.

He woke up at 9pm and began to look for the bag of tablets, turning on Kelly when she said she did not know where they were.

Sheriff Wyllie Robertson imposed the four-year jail term, plus an extension of two years, during which Johnston can be recalled to prison if he offends again.

 ??  ?? „ Declan Johnston, pictured here on his Facebook page, was high on drugs.
„ Declan Johnston, pictured here on his Facebook page, was high on drugs.

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