The Herald

Mundell: Brexit strengthen­s, not damages, the UK


BREXIT is not damaging devolution but strengthen­ing it, David Mundell will insist today, less than 48 hours after Sir John Major warned it could lead to Scottish independen­ce.

The Scottish Secretary will also use a speech in Edinburgh about 20 years of devolution to reject SNP claims Westminste­r has conducted a “power grab” under cover of Brexit.

He will say: “I reject completely the argument put forward by opponents of devolution that it has been crushed by Brexit. I do not believe Brexit will damage devolution. I want it to strengthen devolution, and I believe that can and will happen.”

The comments are dramatical­ly at odds with those of Sir John, who warned the “agonies of Brexit” could end devolution and the Union.

In a speech at Glasgow University attacking the “zealots” of the European Research Group of Tory Brexiter MPS, the former Tory PM said: “I find it painful to come to terms with the possibilit­y that, within my lifetime, I could – I repeat could – see the break up of the UK.”

Mr Mundell will also say SNP warnings of a Brexit-related “power grab”, with Westminste­r hoarding powers that ought to be returned from Brussels to Holyrood, have proven to be a “complete fantasy” and an “invented grievance”.

He will say: “We should remain deeply suspicious when opponents of devolution try to present themselves as its champions and protectors.”

SNP deputy leader Keith Brown said: “David Mundell is perfectly content with imposing a hard Brexit on Scotland against our will – while making a power grab on areas the Leave campaign pledged would come directly to Holyrood.”

In a separate speech today, UK communitie­s Secretary James Brokenshir­e will say the Tories are offering “a new Unionism”.

Acknowledg­ing the Yes campaign and Brexit posed questions for the union, he will say: “We must make the case for a new unionism, and explain more readily the value and meaning of being a citizen of our United Kingdom. The rights we have, the values we share, the benefits we enjoy and the duties we owe.”

 ??  ?? „ Scottish Secretary David Mundell clashed with Major.
„ Scottish Secretary David Mundell clashed with Major.

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