The Herald

Low emission zones for cities is focus of new consultati­on


THE Scottish Government is looking for public feedback on low emission zones (LEZS) as part of a new consultati­on.

Transport Scotland has announced the launch of the survey, which is due to close on February 24 next year.

It will look, in part, at the legal side of the initiative – which is intended to reduce emissions in Scotland’s biggest cities.

Only vehicles that meet certain EU emission standards would be allowed in the zones, which would be designated by local authoritie­s.

Low emission zones are due to be put in place in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee by the end of next year. Glasgow’s came into effect on December 31, 2018.

This consultati­on, the second so far in the process, is looking for views from the public on enforcemen­t measures for vehicles which violate the rules, penalties and exemption.

Transport Secretary Michael Matheson said: “Since we first announced the ambition to deliver low emissions zones in our four biggest cities by the end of 2020 there has been considerab­le interest in their scope, national exemptions and what this means for communitie­s across Scotland.

“We know from previous consultati­ons that there is broad support for the potential of low emission zones to protect public health and improve air quality but there is a variety of views on our proposals for how LEZS will work consistent­ly across Scotland, which I recognise is vitally important for their success.”

He added: “Through the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 we have created the legal framework to create nationally consistent LEZS.

“We are now consulting on regulation­s for substantiv­e issues such as emission standards, exemptions, the enforcemen­t regime and the setting of penalty charges.

“To do so in a just and equitable manner, it is critical that we design these regulation­s in a collaborat­ive way with the public, private and third sector – and I would encourage anyone with an interest to respond to this consultati­on on these very ambitious proposals for Scotland’s low emission zones.”

The Scottish Government has launched a fund for bus operators, as well as another for businesses and members of the public, to make changes to vehicles to ensure they meet the necessary standards.

The consultati­on is available on the Scottish Government’s website.

 ??  ?? Glasgow is to introduce a low emissions zone in the city centre
Glasgow is to introduce a low emissions zone in the city centre

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