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First Minister promises Indyref2

FOLLOWING the election, Sturgeon told Boris Johnson he is “the leader of a defeated party in Scotland” and so has no right to stand in the way of a second independen­ce referendum. Here’s what our readers said:

“She is 100% right. I personally have not been in favour of another Indyref as we’ve had enough divisive referendum­s. However, it is clear now that the Scottish electorate want the choice and the direction of travel of UK politics (very right-wing with zero regard for the vulnerable in society) seems abhorrent to a large number of Scots, who simply have a different outlook on life. We need Indyref2 and I suspect the vote will not be what the unionists want.”

J Parsons, heraldscot­

“Boris does not have to stand in the way. The people of Scotland stand in the way. 10% gap in the vote again in favour of Unionist parties. There is no mandate for more referendum­s, 45% of the vote is not enough. 2014 still stands for a generation.”

John Nicolson, heraldscot­

“Getting 80% of Scotland’s MPS with 45% of the vote is not an endorsemen­t of an Indyref2. It simply highlights how cheaply seats can be obtained with FPTP. Of the 45% who voted SNP how many wanted Indyref2 as opposed to Brexitref2 or anything else? If, at Holyrood in 2021: the SNP gets a majority of MSPS; with more than 50% of the vote; on a manifesto commitment for an Indyref2; importantl­y, having published a detailed costed plan for their vision of an independen­t Scotland, including its relations to the rest of the UK; then they will have an undeniable case for Indyref2.”

Campbell Macdonald, heraldscot­

Scottish Labour woe

Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard has described his party’s results as “deeply disappoint­ing”.

“Sorry Richard, you had adequate time to reflect on Scotland’s constituti­onal issue after the last election, but you chose the path of denying Scots the right to have a second referendum saying that the first was for a generation. Things dramatical­ly changed with the EU vote when folks were told to vote ‘no’ to ensure Scotland remained in the EU. Now, they had to vote SNP to remain in the EU, thus demanding a second independen­ce referendum to clarify whether Scots want independen­ce, or not.”

John Turnball, heraldscot­

“The union could not survive with only the Tories and Libdems’ support in Scotland. The Labour vote in Scotland may be a fraction of what it once was, but if they get behind Indy, even that would be more than enough to guarantee majority support for Indy from that minute on. An Indyref2 YES would be a formality.”

Euan Leckie, heraldscot­

“The thing is now, even come the next election the size of the swing to dislodge the Tories is too enormous, meaning they’ll have a likely decade at least in office which will eclipse the Thatcher/major years. Who’s to say it won’t go on even longer than that with this rise in extreme rightwing politics in England?”

John Miller,

Election celebratio­ns

Nicola Sturgeon was filmed celebratin­g after SNP took the Westminste­r seat from Libdem leader Jo Swinson.

“Nicola Sturgeon was doing what many prominent Tories were probably doing only she was caught on camera. Next time my football team wins the cup in extra time because the opposition miss a penalty, must I refrain from cheering because it is ‘ungracious’ ?”

Neill Hall, heraldscot­

“If that was a celebratio­n for a good night’s work in the whole of Scotland I could understand it more.

But I think it was a bit of a unprofessi­onal and ungracious response for another individual. I think she realised straight away and suddenly became very consoling in her comments to a fellow leader.”

John Freeland, Facebook

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