The Herald

Sturgeon’s mongrel mandate is built on flimsy foundation­s

ANALYSIS The SNP undoubtedl­y has momentum on Indyref2 but a mandate is not so simple, writes Tom Gordon


NICOLA Sturgeon wasted no time flourishin­g her mandate for a second independen­ce referendum in the wake of the SNP’S emphatic election win.

It has been “renewed, refreshed, and strengthen­ed” she said. But has it?

The SNP’S manifesto was certainly straight-forward on the point.

“A vote for the SNP in this election is a vote to endorse the following propositio­n: it must be for the Scottish Parliament not Westminste­r to decide when an independen­ce referendum should be held and the SNP intends that it will be in 2020.”

Launching the manifesto last month, the First Minister also said an SNP win would be a “clear instructio­n” to get on and hold the vote next year.

Her party’s gains on that basis, and the Scottish Tories’ losses on an equally direct “no to Indyref2” platform, suggest it ought to be cut and dried.

Although the SNP has momentum on Indyref2, the existence of a mandate is not so simple, given Ms Sturgeon has built it on rickety foundation­s.

Ms Sturgeon has consistent­ly identified the 2016 Scottish election as the source of her mandate, arguing it has been raised to ever greater levels of awesomenes­s through successive elections and votes in Holyrood.

For a while, in response to Theresa May saying now was not the time for

Indyref2, the First Minister said her mandate was “cast-iron”.

Then, in 2017, she said the SNP winning most Scottish seats would upgrade to a “triple-lock” version. This week’s win is the latest tier of the tower.

But it has always been a mongrel mandate. True, the SNP and Scottish Greens won a majority of Holyrood seats in 2016. But their MSPS were elected on very different manifestos when it came to independen­ce.

In the wake of the No vote just 18 months previously, both parties felt obliged to tiptoe round the issue.

To avoid being accused of ignoring the public’s will, they resorted to tortured formulatio­ns that have undermined the notion of a clear mandate ever since.

In the 2011 Scottish election, the SNP had been clear and upfront.

“We will give Scots the opportunit­y to decide our nation’s future in an independen­ce referendum,” said the manifesto on which they won an absolute majority.

But in 2016, that straightfo­rward pitch was rewritten and made contingent on other events.

The manifesto position became a statement that Holyrood “should have the right to hold another referendum if there is clear and sustained evidence that independen­ce has become the preferred option of a majority of the Scottish people – or if there is a significan­t and material change in the circumstan­ces that prevailed in 2014, such as Scotland being taken out of the EU against our will.”

Despite Ms Sturgeon’s subsequent elevation of it, at the time this was essentiall­y a box-ticking exercise. Like most of the country, the SNP did not believe Brexit would happen. It famously spent less money campaignin­g to stay in the EU than it did on a by-election in Glenrothes.

However, as the main party of independen­ce, it had to refer to a referendum somehow.

So it arrived at a baroque, Brexitrela­ted form of words that held out the possibilit­y of independen­ce, albeit in what it then considered highly improbable circumstan­ces.

The SNP then went backwards in 2016. Although its constituen­cy vote share rose 1.1%, their regional share fell 2.5%, and they fell from 69 MSPS to 63, losing their overall majority.

A rum sort of basis for a mandate. Meanwhile, the Scottish Greens went off on their own tangent.

Their 2011 manifesto had touted “a multi-option referendum with choices including the status quo, a stronger Scottish Parliament with powers defined through a participat­ive process, and full independen­ce based on a written constituti­on”.

But by September 2015, the Greens said the timing of Indyref2, should no longer be the plaything of politician­s.

Instead it “should be determined by public appetite… For example, a call for a referendum signed by up to one million people on the electoral register”.

Thus their 2016 manifesto said: “If a new referendum is to happen, it should come about by the will of the people, and not be driven by calculatio­ns of party political advantage. In such a referendum the Scottish Greens will campaign for independen­ce.”

But there was never a petition.

All of which gives Boris Johnson enough room to contest the validity of Ms Sturgeon’s mandate, at least until the 2021 election comes round. At which point, she may well win a mandate that cannot be gainsaid.

Johnson has enough room to contest the mandate, at least until the 2021 election

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The sunrise casts an attractive warm light on these frosty trees at Cothouse, near Dunoon, in this shot taken by reader Faye Tudor We welcome submission­s for Picture of the Day. Email picoftheda­
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