The Herald

Whisky gift mix-up almost led to blunder


STAFF at the former Scottish Executive were warned about ministers offering gifts after one nearly gave whisky to an alcohol rehab project.

The incident was cited in an in-house “Rough Guide” to working for ministers released by the National Records of Scotland.

The 2004 pamphlet said: “It is appropriat­e for the minister to give overseas hosts a gift. The Executive will normally offer whisky and shortbread. But do think of your hosts.

“[One] minister very nearly gave whisky to an alcohol rehab project. It would not have been very well received by the staff.”

The guide also gave staff tips on hovering out of sight of TV cameras, and carrying extra pens, a kitty, and “tissues, Anadin, plasters” for ministers.

It said staff must always check who ministers were due to meet after one threw a huff and refused to meet a certain MSP in a group.

“A stand-off ensued which took months to sort out,” it said.

Written when the Scottish Parliament was in temporary accommodat­ion on the Royal Mile while Holyrood was being built, it also suggests the offices were less than ideal. It urged people to ask themselves: “Am I being sensitive to other users of the room? Have I tidied up after myself? Have I killed any rats I see?”

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