The Herald

Meghan’s estranged father ‘found out that she was pregnant on the radio’

- By Alison Meikle

THE estranged father of the Duchess of Sussex has said he learned his daughter was pregnant with baby Archie on the radio while driving.

Thomas Markle spoke about his royal daughter yet again in a new documentar­y,which aired last night.

A clip from the Channel 5 programme, entitled “Thomas Markle: My Story”, sees the 75-yearold recounting his falling out with his daughter, who is at the centre of a media storm following her decision to take a step back from the Royal Family.

Mr Markle said: “It is almost a joke when you tell people, you know, you heard it on the radio.

“This is my daughter – talking about my grandchild. She’s going to have a grandchild that’s mine and I’m not hearing about it on the phone, I’m hearing about it on the radio.”

He also spoke about the first time he learned the actress was dating a member of the Royal Family.

“She called me and said, ‘I’ve got a new boyfriend,’” he said.

“I said, ‘Great.’ And she said, ‘He’s British.’ I said, ‘OK.’ She said, ‘He’s a prince.’ I said, ‘All right.’ And she said, ‘He’s Prince Harry.’ I said, Oh.’”

Mr Markle said: “I didn’t know what it meant. She could’ve been dating a

Hollywood star and it would have been just as important to me, because either way, they’re both high numbers.”

The father-daughter pair have a strained relationsh­ip. He has been vocal about his attempts to contact his daughter since missing the royal wedding in May 2018.

The documentar­y comes after Meghan and Harry’s decision to step back as senior royals.

Mr Markle added: “The last time they might see me is being lowered into the ground. I don’t think at this point they... want to talk to me.”

Meanwhile Meghan and the rest of the Royal Family are staying busy.

The duchess shared photos to the

Sussex Royal Instagram account yesterday morning from a secret visit “earlier this month” to an animal shelter in London before she and Harry returned to Canada.

It came as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that there is currently no agreement between the UK and Canada on who should cover the security costs of Harry and Meghan while they reside in Vancouver, a question that has been hanging over the couple since they expressed their desire to be “financiall­y independen­t”.

Meanwhile the Duchess of Cambridge spent the day touring parts of England and Wales to launch an initiative dubbed “5 Big Questions on the Under 5s,” a survey that aims to poll people around the UK on how to best raise the next generation.

“The survey is designed to bring together the thoughts of as many people across the UK as possible – recognisin­g that everyone has a role in ensuring strong, healthy foundation­s for the youngest in our society that will positively affect their life-long outcomes,” read a caption on the Kensington Royal Instagram.

“5 Big Questions aims to spark the biggest ever conversati­on on early childhood that will ultimately help bring about positive, lasting change for generation­s to come.”

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