The Herald

Games to play


Erica (PS4)

Erica treads the dangerous ground between film and videogame and succeeds in many ways. The cast is watchable, skilfully finding a delicate balance of character to allow meaningful reflection­s of your actions as you track down the murderer of the titular heroine’s father. An effective live-action interactiv­e thriller.

Monster Jam Steel Titans (Switch)

Can’t recreate the speed, feel or power that even a casual onlooker would expect from barrelling around in 150k-dollars worth of motorsport madness. In a nod to simulation, you can select independen­t control of your rear wheels with the right stick, but when jittery physics already turn even completing a race into a headache, there’s no room for additional complexity. Monster Jam is a massive no-starter.

Darksiders Genesis (PC, Xbox One, PS4, Switch) The visuals may be a little World Of Warcraft for some, but returning character War and new hero Strife look right at home in this isometric world, and fans will recognise weaponry, attacks and atmosphere from the series. The strength of Genesis is in the grind mechanic, which you can take or leave depending how hard you want to work.

Mosaic (PC)

At first glance, Mosaic’s grey, washed-out journey from bed to the office and back is merely a simulation of five days of commuting to a meaningles­s existence, yet if you’re willing to return time and again there are sparks of interest lurking within, from hidden fantasy moments to satirical apps. Maybe it’s these pockets of joy in Mosaic that are the biggest worry of all.

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