The Herald


- In associatio­n with Taste Communicat­ions, Scotland’s food and drink communicat­ions company www.tastecommu­

HAGGIS is Scotland’s national dish for a reason because it’s real comfort food. However, it doesn’t have to be the same as granny’s! This modern twist on traditiona­l haggis, neeps and tatties uses the French confit method to cook the turnips with duck fat. The method comes from the Gascon region of France originally and is traditiona­lly used to slow cook tougher pieces of meat or a way or preserving summer vegetables. It will be a perfect dish for your table on Burns Night. It’s a regular on The Saint’s menu – and always popular! ▪ The Saint is located on South Street in St Andrews. Check out the full menu and book your table online at at:


For the haggis:

1 kg lamb plucks

220g pinhead oats

400g white onions, diced 300g beef suet

10g cayenne pepper

10g nutmeg

20g garlic powder 30g ground all spice

30g cracked black pepper 30g ground sea salt

For the mash:

8 white potatoes

20ml double cream

30g unsalted butter

For the confit turnip:

½ a whole turnip, cut into squares

50g duck fat

1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme

1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary

4 cloves of garlic, roughly crushed

For the beef sauce:

200ml beef stock

50ml red wine 20ml whisky 20ml cream


1. Place lamb plucks in a pot and cover with water – bring to boil and simmer for around 1 hour. Take lamb plucks out of water and leave to cool. Fry onions in a pan until golden and add all the spices and pepper. Add the oats and enough cooking liquid from the lamb to cover the oats. Grate the lamb plucks and add to the pan. Mix together thoroughly and season with salt and pepper. Take off the heat and leave to cool.

Wrap in clingfilm and shape into rugby ball.

2. Next, make the mashed potato. Peel the potatoes, place in a pot and cover with cold water. Boil until soft and then drain. Add butter and the cream and then mash with a potato ricer or hand-held masher. Season with salt and pepper.

3. To make the confit turnip, warm the duck fat until it has turned to a liquid. Place turnip, herbs and garlic in tray and cover with fat. Cover with foil, put in oven at 120°C and cook for around 40 minutes. Baste the turnip twice, once after 15 and again after 30 minutes.

4. Next, make the beef sauce. Place the wine and beef stock into pan, bring to boil then reduce on a low heat for 5-8 minutes. Add the cream and reduce until the sauce starts to thicken. Add whisky and season to taste.

5. To serve, first place the mash and confit turnip on the plate before topping with the haggis and finally the beef sauce.

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