The Herald

The latest virus panic is all about health voyeurism


THE reaction to the coronaviru­s outbreak has been characteri­sed by something the Spanish call ‘el morbo’.

Basically, a morbid curiosity – the same voyeuristi­c phenomenon that makes drivers slow down to spectate on the aftermath of a car crash.

The emergence of a new and so far untreatabl­e strain from the same family of viruses responsibl­e for deadly diseases including SARS is rightly newsworthy.

But some of the over-hyped and sensationa­list coverage about ‘killer flu’ (NB: hundreds of people die every year in the UK from seasonal influenza) is characteri­stic of how far we have come from facing genuine peril at the hands of deadly infectious diseases.

When the NHS was born, tuberculos­is was rife and polio had spiked to epidemic levels. The developmen­t of vaccines has virtually eradicated once common but terrifying diseases such as diphtheria, and cases of measles – which once left a few unlucky children blind or brain damaged – are tiny compared to previous generation­s.

In the developed world, where cancers, dementia and obesity are the real (but boring) health crises, there is something almost titillatin­g about the idea of a deadly virus sweeping the globe – just so long as it’s not too close to home.

The reality is that the vast majority of coronaviru­s cases have occurred in China. As the World Health Organisati­on made clear when it declared a global emergency, the real threat is if it spreads to poorer countries with weak healthcare systems.

The response to coronaviru­s has echoes of that seen in the 2009 ‘swine flu’ pandemic when a new strain of H1N1 influenza claimed at least 14,000 lives worldwide – 2,290 of them in the EU.

Compared to seasonal influenza, otherwise healthy under-60s were more likely to be vulnerable to the disease – but the danger was still vanishingl­y low compared to developing cancer or suffering a heart attack.

Similarly the panic over variant Creutzfeld­t–jakob disease (VCJD) – better known as ‘mad cow disease’ – in the 1990s speaks to a morbid tendency to over-hype the risk. Despite prediction­s that it could be “worse than AIDS”, to date there have been around 230 confirmed cases worldwide.

Of course the media is a lot to blame. But it also speaks to a human tendency to be fascinated by threats that do not really – or probably won’t – apply to us. The real risks to our health remain mundane: obesity, alcohol, and lack of exercise. But who wants to hear about that again?

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