The Herald

Medic lied in bid to work as a consultant


A DOCTOR has been suspended for lying about her qualificat­ions to gain a promotion.

Dr Hoda El-mahrouki, who worked at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, was found to have lied on an applicatio­n for a specialist certificat­e, which would have allowed her to work as a consultant.

She lied about past work experience, the dates she had taken assessment, falsely claimed to have withdrawn the fraudulent applicatio­n and requested that the investigat­ion into her misconduct be dropped.

The Medical Practition­ers Tribunal Service (MPTS) handed down a three-month suspension to Dr El-mahrouki on Monday, February 24.

The MPTS found Dr El-mahrouki had lied on an applicatio­n to gain a certificat­e of eligibilit­y for specialist registrati­on from the General Medical Council (GMC), which would have allowed her to take up a more senior position as a consultant.

In her applicatio­n, she claimed to have worked as a registrar in rehabilita­tion medicine and dishonestl­y claimed to have undertaken assessment­s on certain dates, in a “deliberate attempt to circumvent the regulatory system for her own benefit”.

Her applicatio­n to the GMC was flagged as containing wrong informatio­n and she then claimed to have withdrawn it – which was also a lie.

Tribunal chair, Janye Wheat, said: “Having heard oral evidence from Dr El-mahrouki and her genuine expression­s of remorse at this hearing, the tribunal was in no doubt that she is ashamed of her actions.”

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