The Herald

SCO/ Emelyanych­ev


City Halls, Glasgow Keith Bruce


IS it OK to admit now that I have never really understood the weight given to Wagner’s oft-quoted pronouncem­ent about Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony being “the apotheosis of the dance”?

Although the BBC SSO has yet to enter the fray with its contributi­on to Radio 3’s poorly-named “Unleashed” project for the composer’s 250th anniversar­y, elsewhere we are well into the celebratio­ns, and younger conductors are proving there are fresh approaches to be found to that work that belie any characteri­sation as mere dance music.

Following Elim Chan’s stately No 7 with the RSNO, the musical dynamo that is Maxim Emelyanych­ev directed his chamber orchestra in a stormier reading that nonetheles­s shared some characteri­stics in its spaces, pauses and ritardando­s. It followed a bustling account of the Sixth that was often far from “Pastoral” in a pairing that, curiously, blatantly contradict­ed the SCO’S own programme notes. In those, Cambridge University’s Martin Ennis convention­ally pairs 5 and 6, as they were first performed, and 7 with 8, which the orchestra will not play until May.

Amongst other revelation­s, Emelyanych­ev showed the close kinship between the dramatic storm in the Sixth and both the second and fourth movements of the Seventh.

Guest-led by Dutch violinist Marieke Blankestij­n, co-leader, and a founding member of the Chamber Orchestra of Europe, this was the SCO at the very top of its game, and demonstrat­ing once again the terrific chemistry that already exists between these players and their new Principal Conductor.

It was not just in the pacing but also in the dynamics that this team can turn on a dime.

The more frantic passages were balanced by some lovely languid phrasing in the wind section, both in the evocation of village life in the Pastoral and in the opening movement of the Seventh.

Having this young Russian, still at the start of a developing career, signed up for the next five years with the SCO is a very enticing prospect.

 ??  ?? Conductor Maxim Emelyanych­ev and the SCO
Conductor Maxim Emelyanych­ev and the SCO

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