The Herald



PEA & HAM SOUP by Jordan Clark, Head Chef, Pennygate Lodge, Craignure, Isle of



1 onion, roughly chopped

1 stick of celery, roughly chopped

1 leek, roughly chopped 2 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped

300g of peas

30g mint, finely sliced 2 slices of smoked bacon 3 sprigs of mizuna

300ml of ham stock

25ml vegetable oil


1. Start off by sweating all your vegetables in a large pot on a medium heat with no colour until the vegetables start to soften.

2. Add your stock and bring to the boil, then after five minutes add your peas and allow to cook for 3 minutes.

3. Add your mint to the pot, pour your soup into a blender and blend for five minutes until completely smooth.

4. Pass through a sieve and place in the fridge as quickly as possible to keep the vibrant colour.

5. Place your bacon on a tray and under a grill until it’s crispy, remove and finely chop.

6. To serve, either heat up your soup or leave it chilled. Place into a bowl and top with your bacon, fresh peas and mizuna leaves.

lpennygate Lodge is a beautiful guest house, offering comfortabl­e and elegant accommodat­ion in Craignure, on the Scottish Isle of Mull. Explore and taste some of the finest Scottish and local Isle of Mull food and drink in Pennygate’s Georgian dining room.

Bookings: https:// pennygatel­ or call 01680 812333

Follow Pennygate Lodge on social media:

Facebook: pennygatem­ull

Instagram: pennygatel­odge

Twitter: pennygatem­ull

In associatio­n with Taste Communicat­ions, Scotland’s food and drink communicat­ions company www. tastecommu­

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