The Herald

Warning as crowds visit beauty spots


A LOCAL authority has warned residents against breaking social distancing measures by travelling to beauty spots for exercise.

East Dunbartons­hire Council said the “springlike” weather drew in crowds to visit places such as Milngavie Reservoir, Mugdock Country Park and the “Car Park in the Sky” at the Campsies.

It has now issued a reminder to residents to remain close to home for their daily exercise to minimise the potential spread of Covid-19.

Thomas Glen, the council’s depute chief executive for place, neighbourh­ood and corporate assets, said: “Our officers will be working in conjunctio­n with Police Scotland in this respect while Police Scotland colleagues will also be carrying out work to make sure that people are not gathering or making non-essential journeys during the emergency period.

“We would remind residents that the government’s guidance on social distancing is people should avoid travelling unless it is essential.

“Essential travel does not include driving to beauty spots for exercise.

“Please remember that other people’s lives may depend upon your actions.”

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon previously urged people to abide by the social distancing measures in order to save lives.

Meanwhile, the council also warned it will shut businesses who are not complying with measures introduced to protect people against the spread of the virus.

Mr Glen added: “Trading Standards Officers and environmen­tal health officers from East Dunbartons­hire Council will be making sure that all East Dunbartons­hire businesses are complying with the legal requiremen­ts regarding closure and social distancing in business premises.”

New powers were handed to police officers last month aimed at cracking down on any breach of the new lockdown rules.

The Coronaviru­s Act makes it a criminal offence to flout the public health guidance on social distancing. On-the-spot fines of £30 can be issued to people, doubling to £60 if they are not paid within 28 days.

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