The Herald

Queen praises the ‘dedication to service’ of frontline staff in World Health Day message


THE Queen has praised the “dedication to service” of nurses, midwives and other health workers during the coronaviru­s outbreak in a message to mark World Health Day.

The head of state, who on Sunday told the country in lockdown it can overcome coronaviru­s and “we will meet again”, also thanked healthcare profession­als for their “selfless commitment”.

Her words were released in a video montage posted on the Royal Family Twitter account showing members of the monarchy meeting medical staff and health workers.

The Queen said in her message: “On the occasion of World Health Day, I want to thank all those in the healthcare profession for your selfless commitment and diligence as you undertake vitally important roles to protect and improve the health and wellbeing of people across the

Commonweal­th, and across the world.

“In testing times, we often observe that the best of the human spirit comes to the fore; the dedication to service of countless nurses, midwives and other health workers, in these most challengin­g of circumstan­ces, is an example to us all.

“My family and I send our enduring appreciati­on and good wishes.”

During the video a number of health-related visits from the Queen opening the new Royal National ENT and Eastman Dental Hospitals to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge touring a London Ambulance Centre to meet staff taking NHS 111 calls are shown.

Other royals pictured meeting health workers include the Prince of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall and the Earl and Countess of Wessex.

The Queen has had personal experience of Covid-19 as Charles contracted the virus and spent seven days in selfisolat­ion at his Scottish home after reporting mild symptoms.

In her televised national address to the nation on Sunday the head of state said if we “remain united and resolute” in the face of the coronaviru­s outbreak “we will overcome it”.

The head of state warned the country, in lockdown for two weeks and with thousands dead after contractin­g Covid19, “may have more still to endure”.

But she echoed the words of forces’ sweetheart Dame Vera Lynne’s Second World War anthem, when she said “we will meet again”.

Duchess Camilla has thanked more than 750,000 people, three times the original target, who signed up to join a “volunteer army” to help the NHS through the coronaviru­s crisis.

 ??  ?? The Queen addressed nation in broadcast on Sunday
The Queen addressed nation in broadcast on Sunday

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