The Herald

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Boris well-wishes

Well wishes have been passed on to Prime Minister Boris Johnson after he was moved to intensive care following a worsening of his condition in his battle against coronaviru­s.

“I’m not an admirer of the man but I’m sorry to hear this. Best wishes to him.”

Martin Neilson, heraldscot­

“Politics takes a backstage at this time. Best wishes to Boris.”

Alistair Campbell, heraldscot­

“Get well soon Prime Minister and all in hospital tonight.”

Michael Kent, heraldscot­

“This is such alarming news. My thoughts are with the Prime Minister, those close to him and all others affected by Covid-19.”

John Kelly, heraldscot­

“Maybe this will wake up some of the dafties who still think it’s ‘no big deal’ and ask ‘when’s everything reopening?’.”

Mark Boyle, heraldscot­

“He certainly looked very poorly on Thursday night and this is a truly awful disease to have. Here’s hoping that he will be OK.”

William Logan, heraldscot­

Labour focus on Scotland

Ian Murray MP, the new shadow Scottish secretary said Richard Leonard should turn his back on the Jeremy Corbyn era and attempt a “fresh start” for the Holyrood election.

“Ian Murray is going to try and out Tory the Tories. Nothing like trying old tricks I suppose.”

Marc Rich, heraldscot­

“An excellent and intelligen­t

MP, which, considerin­g the absence of talent in the SNP at Holyrood (or Westminste­r for that matter) is a good start for Labour in Scotland. Labour now needs to get rid of Mr Leonard and they can become a credible opposition at Holyrood.”

Peter Maitland, heraldscot­

“They are not ‘Scottish Labour’, they or rather he, is the ‘Labour Party in Scotland’. It would be funny, except it is sad in a kind of embarrassi­ng aged relative sort of way.”

David Kelly, heraldscot­

“Just waiting for the reaffirmat­ion of abolishing the House of Lords, a Federal UK set-up, more powers for the Scottish Parliament. Oh wait”

Finn Mccolgan, heraldscot­

Calderwood fallout

Catriona Stewart’s column which said Nicola Sturgeon had to prioritise the health of the public over her Chief Medical Officer, Dr Catherine Calderwood promoted a significan­t response online.

“It was a no brainer. Sturgeon should have decided in three minutes flat ‘Resign or be sacked Calderwood’. Poor leadership.” Andrew, Macmillan heraldscot­

“I think Calderwood threw the First Minister and the Scottish

Govt under a bus by her blatant selfishnes­s.”

John Henry, heraldscot­

“Ultimately, the right decision has been made and it is time to move on.”

John Paterson, heraldscot­

Clap for Boris

The nation was urged to show support for Boris Johnson after the Prime Minister was taken into intensive care.

“I wish Boris a good recovery but the clap for the NHS is deserved because they are risking their lives. Boris did not follow the distancing rules nor did his team – it’s why they became sick.”

Jo Macdiarmid, heraldscot­

“Absolutely not. While I wish him well, I will not diminish the value of the clap for NHS by participat­ing in this.” @littlest79, Twitter

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