The Herald

Pope’s message to world leaders as Christians worship at home

Easter Sunday is normally the most joyous day in the Christian calendar, but yesterday it was filled with sadness


POPE Francis called for solidarity the world over to confront the “epochal challenge” posed by the coronaviru­s pandemic, as Christians celebrated a solitary Easter Sunday, blending the joyful feast day with sorrow over the toll the virus has already taken.

Families who normally would attend morning Mass in their Easter best and later join friends for celebrator­y lunches hunkered down at home. Police checkpoint­s in Europe and closed churches around the globe forced the faithful to watch Easter services online or on television.

In Italy, a few lucky people attended Mass from their balconies overlookin­g Santa Emerenzian­a church in the northern Trieste neighbourh­ood, where a priest led a rooftop open-air service.

“We feel close to each other despite this distance,” parishione­r Luca Rosati said from his balcony. “We can experience from here what we normally would experience inside the church, as a community.”

At the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, where many Christians believe Jesus was crucified and entombed, Archbishop Pierbattis­ta Pizzaballa urged the faithful to not be discourage­d.

“The message of Easter is that life, despite all, will prevail,” said Archbishop Pizzaballa during a Mass attended by a few clerics, with the streets of the surroundin­g Old City devoid of pilgrims and vendors.

At the Vatican, Francis celebrated Mass in a largely empty St Peter’s Basilica, with a handful of token faithful sitting one per pew and the choir’s Kyrie hymn echoing off the bare marble floors.

Normally, St Peter’s Square would be awash in fresh flowers for Easter, with tulips and orchids decorating the piazza’s promenade to underscore Easter’s message of life and rebirth following Christ’s crucifixio­n.

This year, however, the cobble-stoned piazza was bare. Police barricades ringed the square, blocking the tens of thousands who would normally flock to hear the Pope’s Mass and Urbi et Orbi speech and blessing “to the city and the world”.

The Pontiff instead stayed indoors, underscori­ng the solitude confrontin­g all of humanity amid lockdown orders to prevent further contagion.

In his Easter address, he urged political leaders to provide hope and opportunit­y to the millions of newly jobless and urged the European Union in particular to step up to the “epochal challenge” posed by Covid-19, which has ravaged a number of EU countries.

“After the Second World War, this beloved Continent was able to rise again, thanks to a concrete spirit of solidarity that enabled it to overcome the rivalries of the past,” he said.

“This is not a time for self-centeredne­ss, because the challenge we are facing is shared by all, without distinguis­hing between persons.”

He urged the faithful to pray for the sick, the dead, the elderly and the alone. He also called for sanctions relief, debt forgivenes­s and ceasefires to calm conflicts and financial crises around the globe.

Francis’ lonely Mass was a scene that was repeated around the world, with churches either closed or, for the few still open, forcing the faithful to practise social distancing.

In South Korea, where one outbreak was tied to a church sect, services were largely held online. A small number of masked faithful attended a service at Seoul’s Yoido Full Gospel Church, one of the country’s biggest churches.

We feel close to each other despite this distance

In Lebanon, home to the largest percentage of Christians in the Arab world, Cardinal Bechara Rai urged the faithful to abide by virus lockdown measures even as Lebanon endures its worst economic crisis in decades.

“We are praying so Lebanese officials work together in the spirit of collaborat­ion to revive Lebanon economical­ly, financiall­y and socially,” he said in an almost empty church in Bkerki, north-east of Beirut, the seat of the Maronite Church he heads.

In New Zealand, Catholic bishops wrote a special pastoral letter to worshipper­s stuck at home, acknowledg­ing the stresses and uncertaint­ies of this Easter like no other but urging the faithful to take comfort in time with family.

For Orthodox Christians, yesterday marked the start of Holy Week, with Palm Sunday services held in similarly barren churches.

Pope Tawadros II, the spiritual leader of Coptic Orthodox Christians in Egypt, celebrated in a largely empty Monastery of Saint Pishoy, in a desert valley west of the capital, Cairo. The church made the prayers available on its Facebook page.

The Russian Orthodox Church said it would hold Easter services in Moscow next Sunday without the faithful present, citing an order from the city’s chief epidemiolo­gist prohibitin­g mass gatherings.

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This Wet’n Wild aquatic park in Itupeva, Brazil, would normally be filled with excited swimmers, but it was empty yesterday because of restrictio­ns in the country, which has 19,638 confirmed cases of coronaviru­s and at least 1,057 recorded fatalities
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