The Herald

Let’s get the recycling centres open


IT is vital we get the Government to declare workers at recycling centres key workers and get the tips/dumps opened again.

It has become clear to many of us at home with our family that the issue of waste is becoming a problem – and not just fly tipping (“Take a tip from us…do not dump your rubbish”, The Herald,

March 10).

Staying at home means we are creating far more rubbish than usual – there are more of us permanentl­y in the house, we are cooking more food, we are cleaning out cupboards and doing DIY.

Yet many of the specialist bin collection­s have stopped. The recycling centres slammed shut with the lockdown.

It is not pleasant to have rotten food smelling in the house – heavens we are putting up with enough already – and it is unhealthy to leave it outside where seagulls and rats will get to it.

Tenement dwellers cannot leave it in communal areas and flats are not ideal for waste , bagged or not.

I know some people are still getting special food waste uplifts but some are not, and, for example, most garden refuse collection­s have been cancelled just as we hit the gardening season.

The fly tipping is just the most visual eyesore of a growing problem of what to do with our black bin bags.

And while we are congratula­ting ourselves on cleaner rivers and air, we are going to end up with a countrysid­e full of black plastic bags from fly tippers – or are the police to watch that too?

We need the recycling centres reopened. I know there are worries over access but surely that could be controlled by a postcode or alphabetic­al rota – certain people going on certain days? Maggie Barry, Cumbernaul­d.

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