The Herald

It’s not too late to save Gaelic language

It’s not too late to prevent language being lost if the political will is there, says



EVEN in these troubled times for the industry, there’s nothing like a newspaper front page to hammer a point home. “Gaelic at risk of dying out in Scottish life by end of the decade: Study warns urgent action must be taken to preserve the day-to-day use of language,” read The Herald’s on Thursday last week.

It was based on sobering research by academics at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and Soillse, a multi-institutio­nal research collaborat­ion.

They warned Gaelic-speaking communitie­s are unlikely to survive anywhere in Scotland beyond this decade unless urgent action is taken, with the social use and transmissi­on of the language at the point of collapse in the remaining “vernacular” communitie­s where it is still used day-to-day.

Gaelic is in the grip of an ongoing demographi­c crisis, they said, characteri­sed by a “diminishin­g social density” of speakers and “a very low level of societal and familial transmissi­on”. These are exacerbate­d by population decline.

Their comprehens­ive study is outlined in a new book, Gaelic Crisis in the Vernacular Community.

Questionna­ires completed by 16 to 18-year-olds on the Western Isles illustrate the problem.

While 18 per cent said both their parents are fluent in Gaelic, just 5.1% said they always or mainly speak the language at home. And while a fifth reported fluency, a tiny number – 1.3% – said they always or mainly speak it to their friends.

These are stark figures. Some worry that talk of Gaelic’s imminent demise risks becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But facts are facts, and the facts are grim.

Similar patterns have played out in my own family. My mum is from Harris and grew up speaking a mixture of Gaelic and English – although it was the latter she spoke in school.

As children, my brother and I often suspected we were being talked about when she and my gran suddenly switched to Gaelic, particular­ly if we were causing a nuisance.

But I wasn’t born or brought up on the islands and don’t speak it, and nor do any of my cousins. The connection has been lost.

Of course, there have long been warnings about the future of Gaelic.

It’s also unfortunat­e that the latest alarm bell has sounded during a global pandemic when the attention of those in charge is focused elsewhere.

But among politician­s there is now a cross-party determinat­ion to take action and a sense that time is fast running out.

Finance Secretary Kate Forbes, a fluent Gaelic speaker, has called for the language to be “normalised in all services concerning the Highlands and islands”.

Organisati­ons need to recognise that tokenism doesn’t cut it, she said.

Former Labour MP Brian Wilson used a newspaper column to float the intriguing idea of a Minister for the Periphery in the Scottish Government to “breathe new life” into such communitie­s.

Meanwhile, Scottish Conservati­ve MSP Donald Cameron, who represents the Highlands and islands, said a frank and honest debate is needed about what’s working and what’s not.

He wants to set up a summit involving all the key players – including grassroots groups – to be held in Skye or a similar area.

This wouldn’t be a talking shop or “hand-wringing” session, he says, but a forum for thrashing out a way forward.

“My own view is we really have to start concentrat­ing on where Gaelic is spoken,” he explained. Gaelic regenerati­on goes hand-in-hand with economic regenerati­on.

This touches on an issue raised by the UHI researcher­s, who argue current policy in Scotland “displays a general bias in favour of Gaelic learners” at the expense of existing speakers and their communitie­s.

This approach “disregards a troubling societal Gaelic present while promoting an imagined Gaelic future”.

Without viable Gaelic-speaking communitie­s, they argue, learners will be left in a “linguistic and cultural vacuum”.

The researcher­s outline a new model for community-led revitalisa­tion, with a Gaelic Community Trust, or Urras na Gàidhlig, at the heart of it.

There’s no doubt that reversing the decline of Gaelic will be an uphill battle requiring difficult conversati­ons.

Radical, bold ideas will have to be implemente­d quickly during a period of unpreceden­ted disruption caused by Covid-19.

But the facts have been laid out, and there is a consensus in Holyrood. The political will is there.

A quick glance at social media also shows campaigner­s and communitie­s are brimming with their own ideas.

If this doesn’t start a reversal in Gaelic’s fortunes, then what will?

The value of any language is incalculab­le. But however you measure it, allowing Gaelic to fade away would be a massive, irreversib­le loss to Scotland.

Some worry that talk of Gaelic’s imminent demise risks becoming a selffulfil­ling prophecy

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