The Herald

Man jailed for more than 10 years after drugs found hidden in children’s toys


A MAN has been jailed for 10-and-ahalf years after a large amount of MDMA was found hidden in children’s toys.

Patrick Scotland, 28, of White City, West London, was sentenced at Isleworth Crown Court after he pleaded guilty to several drug charges.

Judge Karen Holt said: “One cannot ignore that these were sizeable quantities of dangerous drugs which cause misery and destructio­n.”

Alex Agbamu, prosecutin­g, told the court Scotland was involved in drug traffickin­g to a “significan­t and serious level”.

He said the defendant was “knowingly concerned with how the drug was coming into the country”.

Scotland admitted three counts of possession with intent to supply a Class A drug (MDMA, LSD, methylamph­etamine) and two charges of possession with intent to supply a Class B drug (ketamine, cannabis resin), according to a police spokesman.

Scotland, who was sentenced via video link from Wandsworth Prison yesterday afternoon, also admitted being concerned in the fraudulent evasion of a prohibitio­n on the importatio­n of a class A drug, and to the possession of a weapon for the discharge of a noxious liquid/gas/ electrical incapacita­tion device.

Following routine checks by Border Force officers on postal items entering the UK in August 2019, packages addressed to Scotland from the Netherland­s were intercepte­d and found to contain just under 6kg of MDMA concealed within children’s toys.

On February 12, council staff carrying out routine safety checks alerted police officers to a large quantity of suspected Class A drugs at Scotland’s home.

Following a search of the property, sealed bags and labelled

Tupperware tubs containing several kilos of crystal meth, MDMA and cocaine, 185,000 ecstasy pills, eight kilos of cannabis resin and over 10,000 LSD tabs, along with drug parapherna­lia were found.

They were estimated to hold a street value of approximat­ely

£2.2 million – the largest known seizure of MDMA and crystal meth from a residentia­l address in the UK to date, the Metropolit­an Police believed.

The seizure is thought to be the first of its kind in helping dismantle a dark web drugs site in the UK, as items that were advertised online were the same as those found at

Scotland’s address. Unique motifs stamped on the pills linked them back to Scotland.

A number of Whatsapp messages were also found suggesting the defendant had “hands on” involvemen­t as a “middle man”.

Paul Raudnitz, QC, defending, told the court Scotland “did not play a leading role” and “had no idea of the volume or scale of the operation”.

He said Scotland “played no role in sourcing and manufactur­ing any of the drugs” and that the defendant’s actions “were out of character”, noting he had “no drugs offences in the past seven years”.

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