The Herald

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Face coverings

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is confident Scots will cover their faces in shops after it became compulsory on Friday.

“I take it the state police have told their boss the First Minister that they cannot ‘police’ this?

“In much of Scotland the police have practicall­y disappeare­d from view and one has a picture of them all sitting about in their offices waiting for yet another shop keeper phoning to say some individual has come into their shop and refuses to wear a mask?

“Anyone who thinks the police will and can deal with this is living in cloud cuckoo land.

“Anyway, why were masks not made mandatory weeks or months ago and is everyone in our Parliament now wearing one?” Andrew Mcmillan, heraldscot­

“Been looking out of the window, watching people going to the bakers shop opposite. About 50 per cent of people are wearing face coverings today, which, to be fair, is up considerab­ly on the usual amount.

“What do you expect when all through lockdown, both government­s and Professor Jason Leitch have been telling us to wear one if we want but there is no scientific evidence that they prevent you from catching the virus and anyone with the virus should not be out of the house anyway.

“This looks a lot like it’s designed to prolong things for as long as possible so a certain person can revel in her daily broadcast to the nation and appear to be personally saving us all. After all, why give it up now when your popularity is on the rise and loads of free unquestion­ing publicity to be milked.”

Michael Phinn, heraldscot­

“Anyone who believes mask wearing is being done for anything other than political /control reasons are either unbelievab­ly gullible or evil.”

Derek Instrell, heraldscot­

“It’s quite simple. Unless you have a medical condition, wear a mask inside shops.”

John Hutchison, Facebook

“Hold on, for three months go shopping as often as you like. The science must have changed, now wear a mask in shops.

“If Nicola wants to kill the economy and discourage the public from spending money she is playing a blinder.”

Alexander Duncan, heraldscot­

“Went to my local shops today. Went into one shop. Me wearing mask – two people working in shop not wearing masks.

Saw in the window of another shop. Two customers in, both wearing masks. Three people working in shop – none wearing masks.

“So, apparently, while masks may be mandatory for customers, they are not mandatory for shop workers. And neither shop had Perspex barriers up between staff and customers, so no protective barrier there.”

Hazel Smith, heraldscot­

“This policy is ridiculous. There is no evidence that masks (especially plain cloth) masks are in any way effective against the transmissi­on of microscopi­c viruses. Indeed, many studies suggest they are detrimenta­l as we will have moist, unclean masks worn repeatedly that encourage infection.”

Duncan Massey, Facebook

Pandemic ‘worsening’

The World Health Organisati­on has warned the Covid-19 pandemic is “accelerati­ng and getting worse”.

“President Trump is like a stopped clock. There are certain times (twice a day) when even a stopped clock is right. WHO let us all down very badly.”

Nigel Boddy, heraldscot­

“We need to learn to live (and in some cases die) with this virus and any other viruses that the Chinese fling at us.

“Shield the old and vulnerable, take all reasonable precaution­s such as distancing, masks, washing hands etc but heck we need to get on with life.”

Mick Mccaw, heraldscot­

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