The Herald


- by Kyle


1 See 26dn (6)

4 Stone at Delphi assumed to mark the centre of the earth (8)

9 Refinement or elegance (6)

10 Bumptious male driver of

fast,high-powered cars (3,5)

12 First performanc­e of a play or

showing of a film (8)

13 (Scottish) Attendant on a hunting or

fishing expedition (6)

15 (Scottish) Wooden peg driven into

a wall to hold a nail (4)

16 (Scottish) A stingless species of

bumblebee (5,5)

19 Pasta made in long ribbons (10)

20 Another term for altitude

sickness (4)

23 Small inexpensiv­e restaurant (6)

25 Fish with a long poisonous serrated spine on its tail (8)

27 Minute aquatic crustacean with a hinged shell (8)

28 Fixed,unnatural grimace or grin (6) 29 Oriental tobacco pipe with a long,flexible tube (8)

30 Soft mineral used to make plaster of Paris,cement,chalk etc. (6)


1 Minute free-living or parasitic crustacean (7)

2 (Scot. – 17/18th cent.) Woman's sleeved nightdress (9)

3 Where in Scotland man took odd selfie (6)

5 Assembly held for debate in Anglo-saxon times (4)

6 Wife of Leontes,king of Sicilia in The Winter's Tale (8)

7 Informal term for one's usual pub (5) 8 Room or hatch from which meals are dished up (7)

11 Long cord securing a hawk during training (7)

14 Comment at the finish of a book or chapter (7)

17 Ancient Greek city in Egypt's Nile River delta (9)

18 Organisati­on's involvemen­t or contact in the community (8)

19 Protein that is the chief constituen­t of silk (7)

21 Herbaceous plant with often white or yellow floweors (7) 22 Hatred,hostility,unfriendli­ness etc. (6) 24 Indian lute with long neck and rounded body (5)

26 And 1ac English dramatist,actor and composer known for his witty comedies (4,6)

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