The Herald

Scottish society ‘should unite for Indyref2 if the UK Government says no’


SCOTTISH society should unite to press for an independen­ce referendum if Downing Street rejects calls for a second vote after the next Holyrood election, a report has said.

Anthony Salamone, managing director of the Scottish political analysis firm European Merchants, said a referendum agreed with the UK Government is the only viable path to independen­ce.

He said any unilateral process, without the UK Government’s cooperatio­n, would result in no internatio­nal recognitio­n, no UN membership and no EU membership.

He said: “Such a scenario would manifestly not lead to effective independen­ce and any such proposal would be a false prospectus to the people of Scotland.”

In a report, Right To Decide: Strategic Perspectiv­e On Scotland’s Independen­ce Referendum Debate, Mr Salamone insisted the UK Government “will have a democratic obligation” to accept the outcome if next year’s Holyrood election produces a majority in favour of an independen­ce referendum.

He wrote: “Should the UK Government instead refuse to cooperate on holding a referendum, the Scottish Government and wider Scotland should respond in a constructi­ve, measured and purposeful way.

“Scottish society should unite in the view that a referendum must take place, regardless of opinions on independen­ce.

“The sole objective should be to secure a referendum through dialogue and persuasion, based on its strong democratic, political and moral case.

“While an electoral mandate from the people for a referendum should be implemente­d without the need for such persuasion, if a campaign becomes necessary it should be entirely focused on securing an operative referendum providing the people with the option of effective independen­ce, not symbolic independen­ce.”

He added: “A united Scotland campaign for an independen­ce referendum should focus its efforts on politician­s, media and civil society in London.”

Mr Salamone continued: “In response to a united Scotland campaign, the UK Government must surely accept the democratic decision of the people of Scotland to hold an independen­ce referendum.”

Mr Salamone said that for

Scotland to become independen­t, Scotland and the UK would have to work together on all three main stages of the process: a referendum, negotiatio­ns and transition, and internatio­nal recognitio­n.

He argued the UK Union is in a deteriorat­ing condition, while Brexit has showcased a dysfunctio­nal UK state.

Speaking as his report was published, he said: “With the real prospect that the Scottish electorate could choose statehood, it is time for a more informed and less hyperbolic conversati­on on what independen­ce for Scotland could mean.”

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