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Withholdin­g powers

It was reported on Monday that the UK Government is planning to withhold power from Scotland after the Brexit transition.

Nicola Sturgeon said this would be “a full-scale assault on devolution”.

“We have a binary choice – be in the UK Union, or be in the European Union.

“Whichever one we stay part of, we have to accept these universal rules. It’s part of being in a union.”

Gordon Smith, heraldscot­

“Let’s get out of this unbalanced Union where Scotland is constantly disregarde­d and treated as a minor associate.

“The Scottish people did not want the Union in 1707 and we don’t want it now.”

James Hood, heraldscot­

“Given the Scottish Government’s appalling record with the powers they already have, that would make perfect sense.”

James Devlin, heraldscot­

“Let’s give the Scottish Government what it wants: Scotland, Wales, NI and England can make up their own rules about state aid.

“Then we can sit back and watch as England wipes everyone else out because with a population of 56 million - 10 times the size of Scotland, 18 times that of Wales, 26 times that of NI – it can afford state aid on a scale that the smaller nations cannot.

“The SNP would be first in line to complain about how unfair it was!”

Richard Gregory, heraldscot­

“Quite right, there are far too many useless tiers of government in the UK.

“All they do is argue with each other and cost the taxpayer a fortune.

“Devolution was a big mistake.”

Brian Russell, Facebook

“I agree it is ludicrous there are different rules for things like Covid in different parts of the UK. I don’t accept it is because the disease is at different stages in different UK regions.

“The SNP in particular are trying to use Covid to create grievance, because that is what they do given any excuse.

“Shut Holyrood and the other devolved assemblies and let’s have a unified UK strategy to get out of Covid.”

John Seward, Facebook

Green revolution

A group of experts has said Scotland needs a £150 billion green revolution to recover from Covid-19., and say it is “more important than ever to invest smarter”.

“We can never have a 0 per cent carbon. There will always be a need for power, nuclear is the safest & best as has been proved in the last 60 years, yes there have been failures due to lack of good maintenanc­e, bad sighting & downright dreadful constructi­on to name a few.

“The need for £150 billion is not even a guesstimat­e. We cannot even recycle dirty medical waste, how can we even dream of a zero carbon?”

Stuart Rankin, heraldscot­

“This is all very well and progress has been made in the developmen­t of wind power generation but what holds up many things is the short term thinking in Government and among politician­s whose major priority is getting re-elected.

“Meanwhile, there is the virus to defeat and the Tory Brexit Mess to get through.

“At the moment neither of them are close to being cleared up.” Andrew Mcmillan, heraldscot­

“Right now we are being asked to avoid public transport unless the journey is essential.

“Even when we could use it freely, public transport had limited routes and was infrequent after the working day.

“Thus people use cars.

“The relative cost of motoring has never been so low.

“Before we punish car drivers we need to have an attractive public transport network available at a reasonable price.”

William Laird, heraldscot­

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