The Herald

Tories on track to bring about an abrupt end to the Union


WE residents of Scotland are between a rock and a hard place. Many of us have concerns about the cost to Scotland of independen­ce, it being disappoint­ing that nationalis­ts are failing to come up with a convincing financial analysis.

On the other hand, we wish to find a way of disassocia­ting ourselves from the destructiv­e economic and social philosophi­es of the current British Government.

In next year’s parliament­ary elections we must give an unambiguou­s message to the effect that we wish there to be created opportunit­ies for formulatin­g clearer Scottish approaches to issues by having the powers devolved to Holyrood increased and strengthen­ed.

However, I read in the online version of The Herald today (July 13) that “the UK Government is planning to withhold power from Scotland and Wales when the Brexit transition ends”. I am beginning to suspect that there is sufficient time before the next Westminste­r election for the current manifestat­ion of Conservati­sm to bring about the end of the UK.

John Milne, Uddingston.

WE are being told that support for independen­ce has increased to 54 per cent which the “experts” say will result in an increase in MSPS backing separation at the Holyrood election next year. It appears this increase is largely due to Nicola Sturgeon’s handling of the Covid19 crisis and her “polished” daily appearance on television.

How very sad that the possible destructio­n of our wonderful country could be placed at risk by those who are fickle enough to be swayed by Ms Sturgeon simply reading a list of instructio­ns provided by her advisers – this is no basis for endangerin­g the future of Scotland and the United Kingdom.

It is interestin­g that apart from Jeane Freeman, Ms Sturgeon clearly has no faith in having the likes of the hapless John Swinney or woeful Fergus Ewing front the daily readings and taking questions. This is absolutely understand­able, as the baying herd of journalist­s would make mincemeat of them and support for independen­ce would plummet. Douglas Cowe, Newmachar.

ANENT Rishi Sunak’s remarks during his “mini-budget” speech, I am afraid that the “undeniable truth” is that Scotland could have fared better as an independen­t country, like all the other countries around the world who have abandoned the “broad shoulders” of the UK in the last 50 years and more, in favour of standing on their own two feet.

Had Scotland been independen­t, we would have had no need of the Bank of England, as we would have had our own national bank as lender of last resort.

Had Scotland been independen­t, according to the internatio­nal ratings agencies, we would have had a triple A rating, which the UK lost after the 2008 financial crash.

Had Scotland been independen­t, we would have had full borrowing powers, and none of the huge debt that burdens Westminste­r.

Had Scotland been independen­t, we would have had a state stake in our oil and gas industry and have had a savings fund like Norway to support a crisis.

Had Scotland been independen­t, we could be charging Westminste­r for the use of Faslane and

Coulport, until such time as they were forced to close.

Had Scotland been independen­t, we could be charging Westminste­r for the electricit­y we currently send south via the Grid, at a huge penalty cost to us, as opposed to the subsidy that is given near London.

Had Scotland been independen­t, we could have been charging similarly for water that is piped south.

Had Scotland been independen­t, we would still own the 6,000 square miles of North Sea, with 6 wells therein, which Tony Blair stole.

Need I go on? Meantime, I would recommend anyone who still doubts the ability of Scotland to run a financiall­y viable, independen­t state to read some of the work of true experts like Dr

Tim Rideout and many others, which is already in the public domain. Rishi Sunak sounds to me like a bean counter who has yet to count his beans.

L Mcgregor, Falkirk.

IT takes a certain amount of chutzpah to start an article citing, in evidence, contrarian Jim Sillars and ending with Jackson Carlaw in Bute House (“It’s not quite Stalin v Trotsky but SNP is facing a civil war”, The Herald, July 11). Perhaps this is Struan Stevenson’s Tory version of gallows humour. But a “civil war”? Really? Haven’t we been here before? In fact hasn’t “peak nat” been a popular theme of British nationalis­t commentato­rs, week in, week out for years now?

The iron law of politics dictates that those in power, in an internal party dispute, always come out just fine. Thatcher and Heath, for example. Alex Salmond may front up an alternativ­e independen­ce party, standing on the list (hardly a threat to the SNP): otherwise “he aint comin’ back”.

I would guess the person who should worry is Leslie Evans, the top civil servant in Scotland, who is front and centre of the botched inquiry; but as we saw with Sir Mark Sedwill, soft landings can be arranged.

GR Weir,


Will the UK Government’s Brexit policy wreck the Union?

STRUAN Stevenson is clearly rattled that support for Scottish independen­ce is at 54/55% and rising, which is why he concocts a titillatin­g story about SNP internecin­e warfare.

Unionists like Mr Stevenson are desperate to change the narrative but will fail for the simple reason that the Tories are an epically and relentless­ly incompeten­t government.

In the midst of a global pandemic, it’s no accident that the UK has the highest morbidity from Covid-19 in the world. From the outset, the Tory Government has badly bungled its response, from locking down perilously late, squanderin­g any social solidarity by failing to punish Dominic Cummings’s breach of lockdown rules, and reaping the effects sown by more than a decade of savage public sector cuts that has left the NHS enfeebled.

A look at the recent numbers is telling. England has borne the brunt of infections and deaths, with a 7-day average death rate 24 times higher than in Scotland.

Since breaking from the disastrous four nations approach, the Scottish Government has demonstrat­ed how sound science and clear, calm and consistent communicat­ion have suppressed

the infection and death rates.

And when the economic impacts of Brexit, something Scotland resounding­ly rejected, are added into this toxic Tory mix, it is no wonder Scots are increasing­ly determined to flee the sinking Union ship.

Already before Covid-19, UK GDP growth in the last quarter of 2019 was 0%. The OECD is forecastin­g that Britain will suffer the worst recession of any developed nation, with GDP projected to fall 11.5% this year. Janet Bungener,

Edinburgh EH10.

AS Scotland is not an independen­t state and has expressed no wish to be one, why on earth does it have a so-called “Government”?

This is a miscalcula­tion by the proper administra­tion – the true British Government – to pander to the little Scottish Gauleiters who cannot win an argument but accept the prize anyway.

Scotland is not a separate country and any appearance­s to the contrary merely seek to obfuscate the fact that Scottish political institutio­ns are nothing more than a glorified and expensive form of local authority.

Janice Mackay,


I READ Alistair Grant’s article in support of retaining the use of the Gaelic language hoping to understand the need for its retention and was left feeling that he simply shot himself in the foot.

He mentions the research which prophesies the danger of the day-today use of Gaelic dying out by the end of the decade and the fact that English is more usually spoken in

A MAJOR problem Gaelic faces today is that it is not valued within its home territorie­s.

In the cities there’s enthusiasm for Gaelic medium education and bi-lingual signs are more widely in evidence. Call it tokenism, but it reminds everyone that Gaelic is out there, available for further study.

However, in the islands, amongst most young folk, Gaelic is uncool. Amongst many of the old it’s a secret language, a badge of exclusivit­y, to be used when you don’t want others listening in.

There should be a campaign to encourage native Gaelic-speakers to value their gift of bilinguali­sm. It is a huge gift, bringing both direct and indirect advantage, and envied by everyone who has struggled in later life to learn a second language. Mary Mccabe, Glasgow G31.

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