The Herald

Focus on jobs must be priority for us all

- Liz Cameron Liz Cameron is chief executive of Scottish Chambers of Commerce

ONE lesson that has emerged from the difficulti­es of the pandemic is that adaptabili­ty means survivabil­ity.

As the economy begins to open up we are not quite getting to normal yet, but this is the environmen­t in which we must work. Now is the time to identify and implement the right ideas for ensuring the health of the economy and getting people back into jobs.

The Scottish Chambers of Commerce has consulted widely on how the business landscape should look in the future. We have called for the developmen­t of a clear Scottish economic strategy that brings together the many disparate threads of business support so we are all clearly pulling in the same – and right – direction.

Preventing unemployme­nt must be a priority for all. Our recent quarterly economic indicator – one of the longestrun­ning research series of its kind in the UK – highlighte­d the challenge, particular­ly in relation to the jobs market. Every sector of the economy reported negative employment expectatio­n levels, laying bare the urgent challenge for businesses to retain employees and protect jobs.

Last week Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveiled the next phase of business support. The Government’s flagship Kickstart scheme, which subsidises six-month work placements for people on Universal Credit aged between 16 and 24, is a practical step that will protect existing employment while creating new opportunit­ies. The jobs retention bonus scheme is an attractive incentive for employers to maintain thousands of jobs currently being protected by the furlough scheme.

But these must be integrated with Scotland-specific initiative­s. First and foremost, as support mechanisms proliferat­e, we must ensure they are clearly marked and easy to access to avoid confusion so the path for job-seekers is clear. Government needs to work closely with business to achieve this.

The question, “what are businesses telling us they need?’, should be primary when designing interventi­ons. It is also imperative the focus remains on practical ideas that have been proven to work.

Looking at skills needed for the future and recovery, young people in particular face missing out key years at the start of their career, and must be supported. But nor must we lose sight of the wider workforce, including those adults with few or no qualificat­ions, or minority groups that will be disproport­ionately affected by their reliance on hospitalit­y and other industries currently in a fragile state.

Projects such as an employer recruitmen­t incentive targeted towards small and medium-sized enterprise­s to encourage them to hire from specific groups of the workforce – for example, school-leavers or recently unemployed young people – is one potential approach. This could be based on the graduate recruitmen­t incentive model which we operated in partnershi­p with the Scottish Government in 2014, which created 400 new graduate-level jobs within six months. More than 90 per cent of graduates were retained in jobs with small businesses.

If this could be adopted in this environmen­t, training would be essential with the employee undertakin­g short modular courses that meet the needs of the business or sector. Fast and immediate training, defined as being within three months, on digital skills, marketing, selling and remodellin­g our businesses through e-commerce, logistical distributi­on, business developmen­t, identifica­tion of and working in internatio­nal markets, are just a few examples that would support business recovery.

We need to transform the economy by redesignin­g and embracing the new dynamic post-covid and post-brexit. By working together and accepting this, every one of us has a responsibi­lity to one another to rebuild in a safe environmen­t.

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