The Herald

Wake up to the abuse of men


I FOUND Kirsty Strickland’s article (“We must not ease up in the war on domestic abuse”, The Herald, July 16 totally abhorrent. I have been the victim of years of domestic abuse as a man by an incredibly manipulati­ve woman who sought to wreck my life in every way possible, including ultimately having our daughter create false sexual allegation­s against me which in turn wreaked havoc on my life and those around me.

Ms Strickland’s article gives the impression that all abusers are men. The naivety of this is startling.

The stats from Women’s Aid and the like do not shine a light on how many children are hurt and even killed by mothers. How many children suffer because of the alienation that (as is often the case) a mother makes sure happens between children and their father? False allegation­s are commonly made which results in a father being denied access to his children.

What is the suicide rate of men in the UK – especially where it is borne from the fruit of domestic abuse from an ex-partner and where contact has been refused as part of the civil process?

The damage caused to our society by this is incalculab­le and the effects are damaging and longterm to our children. Sadly, my experience is that Scotland has yet to wake up to this problem.

Name and address supplied.

For greater trust

MANY more people would join the National Trust for Scotland (NTS) if they knew who was on the board of governors and who appointed them. All goods on sale in NTS shops should be sourced in Scotland and labelled accordingl­y. Margaret Pennycook,

Glasgow G41.

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