The Herald

Former SNP deputy launches selection bid for Davidson’s Holyrood seat


THE former deputy leader of the SNP has officially launched his selection bid for Ruth Davidson’s old Holyrood seat with a coded swipe at his main rival.

Angus Robertson said he would “support First Minister Nicola Sturgeon” if SNP members in Edinburgh Central made him their candidate for the 2021 election.

The remark appeared to be a thinly-veiled crack at Joanna Cherry, QC, who is seen as closer to Alex Salmond than Ms Sturgeon.

Mr Robertson, who was the SNP leader at Westminste­r until losing his Moray seat to a Conservati­ve candidate in 2017, launched despite the party’s candidate selection process being suspended because of coronaviru­s.

A party source said there was “a lot of disquiet” about the timing.

Mr Robertson, 50, stressed his local credential­s and opposition to Brexit in a campaign video filmed outside the Scottish Parliament.

Ms Cherry, currently the MP for Edinburgh South West, hit back on Twitter, saying the trouble with an anti-brexit pitch was that Brexit had already happened.

The UK formally left the EU on January 31 and is due to leave the transition phase at the end of this year, before the Holyrood election.

Edinburgh Central is a top target for the SNP next May.

It was unexpected­ly won by the then Scottish Tory leader in 2016 by just 610 votes, but she will not be standing for re-election.

The internal contest to secure the SNP candidacy is seen as a proxy war between the Salmond and Sturgeon camps in the party, with Ms Cherry closer to the former FM and Mr Robertson a long-term ally of Ms Sturgeon.

Mr Robertson said: “At present Ruth Davidson holds this seat for the Tories with a tiny 610-vote majority and I believe that I can win here with the support of SNP members and voters of all parties who don’t want to see the area represente­d by a pro-brexit MSP.”

He added: “I grew up in Edinburgh Central, I work here today, this is where I live.

“I understand the different issues that matter to people and communitie­s right across Edinburgh Central.

“If you want to elect a hardworkin­g, local MSP, with highprofil­e national experience who will support First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and deliver independen­ce, please support my campaign.”

In response, Ms Cherry was scathing about Mr Robertson’s approach, saying it was a bit late to be talking about opposing Brexit.

She tweeted: “The trouble with pitching for the SNP Holyrood

2021 as the anti-brexit candidate is that Brexit has happened. Despite the best efforts of those of us who fought it tooth & nail. The issue now is how we secure independen­ce & Scotland’s Future in Europe.”

She added: “We need a grown-up conversati­on about policy & strategy. We must provide answers to questions about EU accession, borders, economics & what kind of Scotland we want. A worthy heir to the enlightenm­ent? Or one where debate is not encouraged?”

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