The Herald

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Davidson comments

Ruth Davidson has said she regrets “not putting the boot in” to the losing side in the 2014 independen­ce referendum. The former Scottish Conservati­ve leader said it was a “huge strategic error” by the unionist side not to press home its advantage and keep underminin­g the Nationalis­t cause.

“Instead, voters ‘put the boot’ into Labour and Tory party. How they forget. Ms Davidson said Scotland would Remain in the EU for ‘generation’ and beyond. She’s forgotten that – voters most definitely haven’t and that’s her problem. George Mcdonald, heraldscot­

“I am intrigued as to how Ms Davidson thinks it would have been possible to ‘put the boot in’. In what form would this “booting” take? Who would do it? I suspect this is just wishful thinking on her part in believing that what happened after 2014 could have been averted had unionists been more macho.”

Douglas Mckenzie, heraldscot­

“Considerin­g all the unionist parties continue to deny Scotland has any right to self-determinat­ion, now or in the foreseeabl­e future, how much more of a boot is she suggesting should have been employed?”

Lawrence Arscott, heraldscot­

“So much for ‘bringing the country together’ and the ‘divisive language of the Nationalis­ts’ she complains about.”

Frank Anderson, heraldscot­

“The former Scottish Conservati­ve leader said it was a ‘huge strategic error’ by the unionist side not to press home its advantage and keep underminin­g the Nationalis­t cause. The ‘huge strategic error’ Ruth’s nationalis­ts made was not keeping the promises and vows they made in the day’s before the referendum in an attempt to save their Great British Nationalis­t cause.”

Alistair Waddell, heraldscot­

“The mask slips once again to portray the ugly, aggressive reality of unionism.”

Kenny Ross, heraldscot­

Brexit petition

A petition has been launched calling for the European Union flag to be taken down from outside Scottish Government buildings following Brexit.

“Keep it flying high to remind the world that Scotland is a forward and outward looking country, and when independen­t will be rejoining the great club of nations that is the EU.”

Alasdair Mackenzie, heraldscot­

“It is the flag of the Council of Europe. We are not leaving the Council of Europe.”

“The UK as a whole is leaving/

That is the truth of the matter. This present Scottish Administra­tion is only flying the EU flag to display childish petulance.”

Donald Paterson, heraldscot­

“Perfectly reasonable. Why would you have a foreign flag flying outside your govt buildings?”

Hamish Whittle, heraldscot­

“It’s the flag of a broken union we need to remove.”

George Mcbride, heraldscot­

Macwhirter column

Iain Macwhirter wrote that Boris Johnson didn’t get Scots and was out of touch with the electorate.

“I voted No in 2014 and would vote Yes next time around, but my position has remained consistent – it is circumstan­ces that have changed. In 2014 I was unconvince­d by a so-called independen­ce that remained subservien­t to a currency that was being managed in the interests of a much bigger ‘partner’: and I felt that the SNP ducked the uncertaint­y surroundin­g EU membership when it was clear that Scotland would have to leave the EU if it left the UK. Now, we are not in the EU anyway and the indication­s are that the currency problem will not be fudged a second time.”

Alan James, heraldscot­

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