The Herald

Caution ought to be the watchword in return to office working

- NICK HANLON Nick Hanlon is Senior Manager, Employee Engagement, at Weber Shandwick Scotland Agenda is a column for outside contributo­rs. Contact:

CAUTION is the watchword as businesses consider a return to offices after months of working from home.

Current guidance from the Scottish Government is that non-essential offices should remain closed until at least September 14, and that could change depending on infection rates at the time. Flexibilit­y is key, and it seems that companies are planning for a more flexible future.

Of course, many businesses are actively looking to return to the office – at least on a partial basis – in the coming weeks and although the transition to working from home happened almost overnight, much greater thought must go into plans for workforce re-entry. Simply bringing employees back to the office won’t miraculous­ly see a return to pre-covid levels of productivi­ty and engagement unless employees feel supported – physically, emotionall­y and psychologi­cally.

Weber Shandwick commission­ed a report with KRC Research which found that around 80 per cent of employees say their employers will need to make changes to protect their health and safety before they feel comfortabl­e returning to work. A simple order to return to the office is unlikely to be well received.

Putting power into the hands of employees is likely to bear better results. But in our experience, there are several issues employers must consider when it comes to handling this delicate situation.

First, and most crucially, they must make employee wellbeing their top priority. Don’t risk undoing the hard work of the last few months by rushing people back to offices before they’re ready. That may mean taking a slow and steady approach, perhaps even being more cautious than Government guidance says is necessary.

Regular communicat­ions from senior leadership is also vital. It’s

Employers shouldn’t risk undoing the hard work of the last few months by rushing people back

important to remember though that communicat­ion goes both ways – to ensure your re-entry plans meet the needs of your employees, you have to truly understand what they think. It won’t be enough for you to simply tell employees it is safe to return to work. You’ll need to show it.

The measures employed by individual businesses will vary, but employees will expect to see genuine changes in the workplace – this may include an increased cleaning regimen, use of PPE where appropriat­e and clear guidance on revised working protocols.

For many, returning to the office will undoubtedl­y be an anxious time. Senior members of staff must be prepared to lead by example and support their teams when it comes to new ways of working. Showing genuine interest in how employees are feeling will go a long way to reassuring them that you care about their wellbeing.

Above all else, flexibilit­y is key. After months of remote working, employees have discovered new ways to work and get their job done. Many will not want to lose that flexibilit­y. As a business, do you need to undertake a wholesale review of your flexible working policies to respond to those mindset shift? A hybrid model which blends office-based working with home and remote working is likely to appeal to many.

The road ahead is filled with potential pitfalls. The need to proactivel­y develop a workforce re-entry strategy that works for your business – and your employees – should not be underestim­ated. Not only is it the right thing to do for your staff, it will have a positive effect on your reputation, both internally and externally, for years to come.

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