The Herald

Social equality campaigner who spoke up for marginalis­ed sections of society


David Sutton, planning expert and activist

Born: November 26, 1952;

Died: May 26, 2020.

DAVE Sutton, who has died aged 67 after a short illness, was a man of principle who believed in social equality and fighting injustice, particular­ly where the rights of individual­s or the community were under threat. Ever generous with his time, he would take up any cause where people were in trouble or struggling to have their voices heard.

In Scotland he was Strategic Planning Manager with North Lanarkshir­e Council and he later headed Glasgow Building Preservati­on Trust. He was also a frequent contributo­r to The Herald’s letters pages.

Belfast-born David Sutton qualified as an architect in Sheffield and obtained an MA in Regenerati­on Studies. Working initially in southwest England, he was a local authority Design and Heritage Officer, ran housing and building cooperativ­es, and was a board member of Bristol Civic Society.

His support for the marginalis­ed in society was most evident in his work with Bristol’s black community following the St Paul’s uprising in April 1980. As a ward councillor, his passionate advocacy helped the St Paul’s Community Associatio­n to campaign for funding to remedy serious defects in the constructi­on of the Malcolm X Community Centre. Equally important was his mentoring of young black leaders, many of whom have spoken movingly of his influence on their lives.

Bristol’s Deputy Mayor, Asha Craig, says: “Dave’s passing is mourned by many people in Bristol, especially the Afro-caribbean community, for the loss of a great man, a brother and a friend. Rememberin­g Dave now is even more poignant, with the recent fall of Edward Colston’s statue, as it demonstrat­ed our wish not to honour selfish, unsympathe­tic individual­s, but to celebrate genuine charitable, wise philanthro­pists like Dave Sutton.”

As an epitaph for Dave, councillor Craig recalled the words of the 13th century Persian poet, Saadi Shirazi: “If you have no sympathy for human pain, the name human you cannot retain”.

Dave’s commitment to public service in many fields continued when he moved to Scotland in 2007. As Strategic Planning Manager in North Lanarkshir­e he worked on design and heritage issues, town centre regenerati­on, and the Local Plan.

Retirement in 2013 saw no slowing down in his contributi­on to his field. He was Director and then Secretary of Glasgow Building Preservati­on Trust, a member of the Scottish Branch of the Institute of Historic Building Conservati­on, and a board member of Friends of Douglas Park, which was set up in Cambuslang to prevent local greenspace from being sold to developers by the local authority. He continued his political activism as a member of the Labour Party and a former Chair of the South Gloucester­shire Branch of UNISON.

For those of us who knew him during his time in Scotland, Dave was particular­ly passionate about planning democracy. He believed that many planning processes and decisions were not fair, transparen­t or locally accountabl­e. Indeed, he felt strongly that the past decade has seen the balance of influence in Scottish planning tilt away from citizens and communitie­s to serve the interests of developers and government authoritie­s.

His principled stance on the developer-orientatio­n of planning led him to freeze his Royal Town Planning Institute membership in protest at its unwillingn­ess to support Equal Rights of Appeal for those affected by developmen­t to have the same rights as those who proposed developmen­t.

Scottish Parliament TV footage even shows him holding up a placard saying ‘Scottish Planning RIP’ during an evidence-gathering session of the Local Government and

Communitie­s Committee on the Planning Bill in 2018.

As a member of Cambuslang Community Council, Dave was robust in challengin­g what he saw as poor practice in local authority planning processes. He provided extensive advice and practical support to Cambuslang and Halfway residents on contentiou­s planning issues. He spent many hours poring through council documents, lobbying for access to informatio­n

which he felt belonged in the public domain, submitting FOI requests and challengin­g planning decisions.

He was also an advisor to Planning Democracy, a charity set up to campaign for a fair and inclusive planning system in Scotland. He mentored groups and individual­s, helping them to navigate their way through the Scottish planning system. He advised campaigner­s to be scrupulous in checking planning documents, saying that in all his years as a planner, he never came across one that did not have a

mistake in it, and that sometimes such mistakes could be deliberate.

Over a decade, his letters to The Herald highlighte­d deficienci­es in the regulation of house-building, road maintenanc­e, unadopted streets, the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, the Fatal Accident Inquiry system, and environmen­tal impact assessment­s. In each case, his letters illustrate­d his detailed command of the subject, knowledge of relevant legislatio­n, and references to data or personal experience.

Albert Einstein once said that

“only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile”. Throughout his life, Dave always lived for others, and many have benefited from his truly worthwhile life.

He is survived by his wife Nancy, daughter Jessica, sister Valerie and brother Kenneth.

Scottish Parliament TV footage even shows Sutton holding up a placard saying ‘Scottish Planning RIP’

JOHN BACHTLER (Cambuslang Community Council) and CLARE SYMONDS (Planning Democracy) Lesley Duncan is away.

 ??  ?? Dave Sutton had a detailed command of every subject about which he wrote to The Herald’s letters page
Dave Sutton had a detailed command of every subject about which he wrote to The Herald’s letters page

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