The Herald

Ameed steps out on multi-faith pilgrim peace walk ... but it’s so different from his trail in Iraq


HE walked 57 miles in blistering 42C heat on a special pilgrim trail between two Iraqi cities, but, 12 months, on that same journey just isn’t possible this year for Ameed Versace.

Instead, he is bringing his equivalent of the walk to Scotland today to raise awareness and bring people and communitie­s together.

There is no doubting the historical and personal importance of the pilgrim walk between Najaf to Karbala for Mr Versace, who is part of the Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society, a faith group working to meet the needs of the Scottish

Shia Muslim community and which works in partnershi­p across the country on cultural, social and religious projects.

Mr Versace said: “The Arbaeen walk dates back to about 680. Blessed Imam Hussain walked on it to support an oppressed people that sought his help.

“Fourteen centuries later we still replicate that journey between city of Najaf to the city of Karbala in modern day Iraq. Up to

20 million people gather at this time from all over the world to pay their respect and mourn Imam Hussain’s passing.

“I did the walk last year in just over 18 hours between the two cities in 42C of heat. It was a massive challenge but my resolve was strong.”

Many of the pilgrims take their time with the walk and spread it over three to five days and stay in tents to rest and prepare for the next leg of their

journey, but Mr Versace did it in one go.

Not being able to take part in the Iraq walk this year hasn’t stopped him and his fellow society members wanting to mark it in some way.

He added: “We thought about what we could do and rather than just let it pass we decided to do what we could right here in Scotland. So I am setting off on foot again to walk from Paisley to Glasgow, around 20 miles, but it won’t be a straight route.

“I will be stopping off along the way to be welcomed, at a social distance, at a number of the community groups and projects we work with. We are also making this a multi-faith walk and will be passing cathedrals of all denominati­ons.”i

During the walk he will be passing Ibrox stadium, where Rangers Charity Foundation chiefs will greet him. He has also been sent a message of support from Celtic FC.

Mr Versace added: “The Scottish walk for peace, harmony and inclusion of all our communitie­s is a first for Scotland. It is an honour to be embarking on this solitary walk.”

The society had also learned about The Herald’s plans to create a memorial garden for Scotland’s coronaviru­s victims, which has claimed the lives of people from all faiths and none. It will be based in Pollok Country Park.

Mr Versace added:

“The Herald’s proposal regarding the Covid memorial is something we wholeheart­edly support.”

 ??  ?? Ameed Versace is embarking on an inspiring peace walk
Ameed Versace is embarking on an inspiring peace walk

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