The Herald

Holyrood votes to refuse consent for controvers­ial UK Internal Market Bill


MSPS have voted to reject the UK Government’s controvers­ial Internal Market Bill.

They backed a Scottish Government motion insisting the legislatio­n “reduces and constrains the competence” of Holyrood and breaches internatio­nal law.

The move will not stop UK ministers from pushing ahead with the bill, which they say ensures trade can continue seamlessly between different parts of the UK once the Brexit transition period ends.

However it means they will be doing so without the consent of the Scottish Parliament.

MSPS voted 90 to 28 to refuse consent for the legislatio­n.

SNP Constituti­on Secretary Michael Russell said it should now be withdrawn.

He said: “The Scottish Parliament has explicitly – and comprehens­ively – rejected consent to the Internal Market Bill.

“As far as Scotland is concerned, today’s strong endorsemen­t of the Scottish Government’s stance means this unnecessar­y bill should now be withdrawn.

“Indeed, no member of the Scottish Parliament who cared about its powers and the wishes of the people of Scotland could have possibly consented to this bill. The Internal Market Bill is an unpreceden­ted threat to the Scottish Parliament’s powers.

“It also means that if lower food and environmen­tal standards are allowed elsewhere in the UK it will force Scotland to accept these standards regardless of any laws passed at Holyrood.

“The bill will also mean the UK Government taking control of key devolved spending powers and the devolved policy area of state aid.

“UK Government ministers have already accepted the bill will break internatio­nal law – it would now be outrageous if they decided also to shatter the constituti­onal convention that the Westminste­r Parliament does not legislate in devolved areas without consent.

“The Scottish Parliament has overwhelmi­ngly backed this Government’s rejection of the bill.

“Now we urge the UK Government, once again, to abandon this deeply damaging bill.”

The SNP, Labour, the Libdems and the Greens all voted to reject the legislatio­n, with only the Scottish Conservati­ves supporting it. The convention is that Westminste­r should “not normally” legislate in devolved areas without the Scottish Parliament’s consent.

However, MSPS have voted to withhold consent from UK Brexit legislatio­n before.

Earlier this week, Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said the UK Government is “rightly taking action to protect jobs, businesses and consumers” after Brexit.

He said: “The UK internal market is Scotland’s biggest market with 60 per cent of Scottish exports going to England, Wales and Northern Ireland – we must protect this so all corners of the country can seize the opportunit­ies of leaving the EU.”

Scottish Tory MSP Maurice Golden accused opponents of “senseless Uk-bashing”.

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