The Herald

Biden rules out debate with Trump while President still has coronaviru­s

- Washington

DEMOCRATIC presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden says he and US President Donald Trump “shouldn’t have a debate” as long as Mr Trump remains positive for coronaviru­s.

Mr Biden said he is “looking forward to being able to debate him” but “we’re going to have to follow very strict guidelines”.

Mr Trump returned to the White House on Monday after three days of treatment for Covid-19 at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Centre.

Before going to Delaware Mr Biden said: “I think if he still has Covid, then we shouldn’t have a debate.”

The next TV debate is scheduled for October 15, with a third due to take place on October 22.

Mr Biden’s campaign said he tested negative for Covid-19 earlier on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, vice president Mike Pence, 61, and his Democratic challenger, Kamala Harris, 55 were due to have their own debate earlier today. The face-off in Salt Lake City, due to start at 3.30am Uk time, was the most highly anticipate­d vice presidenti­al debate in recent memory.

For Ms Harris the debate was her highest-profile opportunit­y to vocalise how Mr Biden would stabilise the US, especially when it comes to resolving the pandemic and addressing racial injustice.

She was making history as the first black woman to appear in a vice presidenti­al debate.

Mr Pence is taking a lead role in the reelection campaign while Mr Trump recovers and is unable to hold rallies or other campaign events.

The election is on November 3 and polls indicate Mr Biden is in the lead on 51 per cent. Mr Trump is on 43%.

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