The Herald

SNP protagonis­ts need to sort it out if they are not to drive supporters away


SNP chief executive Peter Murrell has been embroiled in a row over Whatsapp messages

THE worst-kept secret of 2020 is now out in the open. It seems Peter Murrell doesn’t like Alex Salmond (“Sturgeon’s husband ‘admits sending Salmond messages’”, The Herald, October 7). Linked to this is that Kenny Mcaskill doesn’t like Mr Murrell and so on and so on.

So let me inform these gentlemen of another secret: the grass root members of the SNP couldn’t give a fig leaf about these squabbles. The grass roots of the party want to see their leadership take us out on the road to independen­ce. If personalit­ies are getting in the way of this, then those personalit­ies will have to be removed.

To Messrs Salmond, Macaskill, Sillars and more; you have shown fantastic leadership over the years but maybe now is the time to realise you are yesterday’s men. Welcome to the club.

To Mr Murrell: perhaps a reminder that your job is to provide a top-notch administra­tion to allow the politician­s to take the party forward. I must say my own experience over the past wee while suggests senior people

within your remit are quite a few notches short of top.

I would suggest that all of those who are allowing their personalit­ies to distort the challenges of independen­ce should sit down together in a darkened room and do not leave until necessary apologies have been made and book manuscript­s are put under a cupboard.

I believe in independen­ce for Scotland. I am a member of the SNP because I believe the party is the best mechanism to achieve independen­ce. I must point out to

anyone engaged in either side of this spat that there are other mechanisms. Don’t force me and thousands like me to seek them out.

George Kay,


MENZIES Campbell is concerned that the Scottish Parliament’s reputation could be significan­tly damaged by the Alex Salmond prosecutio­n inquiry. Unfortunat­ely, it’s too late.

Perhaps some of the £512,000 wasted could be recouped by getting a sponsorshi­p deal for the Parliament. I would imagine Billy Smart would be interested. Michael Watson, Glasgow G73.

ALTHOUGH Nicola Sturgeon quite rightly said Margaret Ferrier MP should resign and has had ample time to do the honourable thing, there is currently still no sign of that happening. Ms Sturgeon has repeatedly hammered home the message to all of us that it’s very important that you stay at home if you have symptoms that may be caused by coronaviru­s and that household isolation will help to control the spread of the virus. Ms Ferrier for a reason only known to herself ignored that advice. However, on the plus side, the longer she resists resigning as an MP the more embarrassm­ent is heaped upon the SNP, especially when every day her dear leader stands up with her team and spouts the tired old Covid messages.

Could there be dark forces at work here regarding her apparent reluctance to resign? Could the reason be that if a by-election was called a certain George Galloway would be standing for his new Alliance for Unity Party? Now in the current climate, how interestin­g would that be?

Mike Miller, Falkirk.

 ??  ?? SNP chief executive Peter Murrell has been embroiled in a Whatsapp row
SNP chief executive Peter Murrell has been embroiled in a Whatsapp row

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