The Herald

On this day


1754: Henry Fielding died, aged 47. Famous for his novel Tom Jones, it is not widely known that as a Justice of the Peace he organised the detective force that became Scotland Yard.

1871: The Great Fire of Chicago started. According to popular belief, it started in Irish immigrant Catherine O’leary’s barn in Dekoven Street, when a cow kicked over a lantern. Some historians believe it was actually set off by Daniel “Pegleg” Sullivan, who first reported the fire. The fire burned until October 11, killing more than 250 people. 1891: The first street collection for charity in Britain took place in Manchester and Salford, for Lifeboat Day.

1905: Charles Nessler first used a permanent waving machine on a woman’s hair. The cost for the seven-hour treatment was 10 guineas.

1908: The Wind In The Willows, Kenneth Grahame’s children’s book, was published. It has never been out of print.

1953: One of Britain’s best-loved singers, the contralto Kathleen Ferrier, died of cancer at 41. 1965: The Post Office Tower in

London became operationa­l. It was opened by Prime Minister Harold Wilson.

1967: The first breathalys­er test in Britain was administer­ed to a motorist in Somerset.

1973: The first commercial radio station in Britain opened when LBC (London Broadcasti­ng) went on the air.


(Baroness) Betty Boothroyd, former speaker of the House of Commons, 91; Ray Reardon, former snooker player, 88; Albert

Roux, chef and restaurate­ur, 85; Rev Jesse Jackson, US politician, 79; Chevy Chase, actor, 77; Sigourney Weaver, pictured, actress, 71; Ardal O’hanlon, actor and comedian, 55; Matt Damon, actor, 50.

Quote of the day

“Thank you to every addict and alcoholic who’s ever lifted me up. I love you all – especially the mad ones” – actor Jason Isaacs pays tribute to those who have helped maintain his sobriety.

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