The Herald



Test your problem-solving prowess and numerical knowhow with these teasers.

1. “I bought a few cheap mugs and plates,” said Kitty, unpacking a box. “Plates 59p each and mugs 97p, about nine pounds for the lot.”

Jack had a look. “But why didn’t you get the same numbers the other way around, with more mugs than plates?”

Kitty shook her head. “I took all they had. And anyway, that would have cost me 76p more.”

How many plates and mugs did she buy?

2. When Florencia went out into the garden, she was surprised to find the men had finished the job. “That was quick work,” she said. “54 minutes for the lot!” “Well, we just kept going and it was the same for all three of us,” old Gaz replied. “Bob is twothirds as fast as Bert, and young Bert’s half as fast as I am. But

I’ve had more experience.”

How long would Gaz have taken to do the whole job alone?

3. “You got yourself a new tie, Dad,” said Maisie. “I bet it wasn’t cheap.”

“Nothing is these days,” her father chuckled. “But it cost three pounds less than three-quarters again more than three-quarters of what it cost.”

What an answer! You work it out.

4. “Drive slower, Sean,” Maya exclaimed, as the car swerved back into its proper lane.

“Sorry, honey.” Sean grinned. “But that’s another American, and I’ve noticed his number. It’s the same as ours if its second half is shifted to in front of its first half, and the funny thing is that it’s exactly six times our number.” What was Sean’s number?

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