The Herald

Racist who petrol-bombed mosque attacked African warlord in prison


A RACIST thug who petrol-bombed a mosque has admitted slashing an African terror chief behind bars.

Thomas Connington, 32, launched an attack on African warlord Ahmed Al-faq Almadhi, 44, in HMP Shotts, Lanarkshir­e.

Connington used a razor blade stuck to a piece of plastic to leave Almadhi with two 10mm laceration­s to his face.

Prison guards saw him walk towards his victim with his hand in his pocket before attacking him.

Almadhi, who has links to al-qaeda, has been held in Scotland since November 2018 after dodging a nine year sentence in Mali through a deal with the Internatio­nal Criminal Court.

He admitted war crimes at his trial at The Hague in 2016 after destroying holy sites in his Timbuktu homeland.

Connington, who has a Swastika tattoo on his chest and SS insignia on his neck, is serving more than three years for throwing a Molotov cocktail into the grounds of the Edinburgh City Mosque.

He appeared via videolink at Hamilton Sheriff Court from HMP Perth and admitted the assault and having an offensive weapon behind bars in December last year.

Sheriff Thomas Millar handed him 20 months which will begin when his current jail term ends.

Depute fiscal Neil Thomson said: “The accused and the complainer were both present in the exercise yard and the accused approached him. Prison officers saw his hand in his pocket which he removed and struck blows towards the complainer’s face.

“He had a weapon in his hand which caused an injury to the complainer’s face and prison officers reacted and placed the accused on the ground. The weapon appears to be a razor blade attached to a plastic handle.”

Paul Haran, defending, said: “He appreciate­s his guilt and he has a horrible record of previous offending. He suffered horrible abuse as a child and that being such it has affected his view towards black men in particular.”

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