The Herald

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Douglas Ross on linesman duty


Scottish Conservati­ve leader Douglas Ross officiated in England’s friendly match at Wembley on Thursday night.

“Wales should have complained on the basis that a ‘Match Official’ had shown previous bias towards England!”

Alastair Gordon, heraldscot­

“Great to see that one politician is literally match fit. Eat your heart out, Mr Trump.”

Graham Hanson, heraldscot­

“I’m surprised that someone who chooses English overlordsh­ip was allowed to officiate this game.” Bernard Kilwinning, heraldscot­land. com

“No matter how you dress it up, Mr Ross was officiatin­g in a neutral capacity.”

Arthur Patrick, heraldscot­

“He reminds me of Terry Christie, who managed Alloa Athletic at the same time as being headmaster at Musselburg­h Grammar School. That didn’t go well, either.”

Michael Lloyd, heraldscot­

“Celebratin­g failure and internatio­nal humiliatio­n, Sturgeon called for Ally Macleod to be inducted in the SFA’S Hall of Fame. She really doesn’t get the People’s Game.”

Liam Baxter, heraldscot­

“Has this guy not got more important things to do? He is the leader of the principal opposition party in Scotland, and he’s more concerned about earning a few quid at a part-time job.

“On the other hand, maybe he’s keeping his hand in for life after politics.”

John Jamieson, heraldscot­

“I don’t object to Mr Ross running the line at a match but it’s toeing the Tory head office line that annoys me. When and if he wins a seat in the Scottish Parliament and leaves Westminste­r, I hope he keeps up his football duties. Officiatin­g at the Glasgow or Edinburgh derby could be an interestin­g experience for him in future.”

Neill Hall, heraldscot­

“Ross is never going to be First Minister of Scotland. Never.” Andrew Mcmillan, heraldscot­

“I don’t get paid for my hobbies, on the contrary my hobbies tend to cost me money. The man isn’t up to the job of being Tory leader in Scotland as has been obvious from day one .”

Helen Kirk, heraldscot­

“Good to see he has time to potter about with his hobby. Surely he should be concentrat­ing on getting the country through the pandemic or is he happy to walk away and just leave that to real SNP politician­s to get on with the day job?”

David Brown, heraldscot­

“Oh, mercy me. Some people here really should just relax a bit. If ever there was a reason why someone would want to continue doing something they enjoy away from profession­al politics, as Mr Ross obviously does with his football officiatin­g, then one read of the comments section here today shows it very clearly!”

Ian Mcinally, heraldscot­

“So, the nationalis­ts don’t allow anyone time off? Everyone should be working every minute like so many of their first rate excellent public servants.”

M Sutherland, heraldscot­

“As someone living and working in Scotland it is my business what paid government officials spend their time doing. Otherwise why does Ross allow publicity about his extramural activities?

“There have been times in the past six months my husband, a GP, has worked 24/7.

“He’s hasn’t had time to relax with any of his hobbies. I haven’t noticed any of the Scot Govt doing anything other than their day job or work associated with it.”

Mary Williams, heraldscot­

“He is due to run the line on Saturday in Luxembourg v Cyprus. He will self isolate for 14 days thereafter. Right?”

Gerard, heraldscot­

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