The Herald


Crossword no. 834

- By Kyle


1 Thin strips trimmed off from some

thing (7)

5 Grooves cut in wood to fit with

other pieces (7)

9 Deadlock or stalemate (7)

10 And 1dn Assassin of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 leading to WW1 (7,7)

11 Projecting rim at the end of a

cask (5)

12 At 570m the second highest peak

in the Campsie Fells (6,3)

13 Artificial body put into orbit (9)

15 Fore-and-aft upward slope of a

ship's lines (5)

16 Immature or irresponsi­ble

person (5)

18 Person who is possessed by the

devil or a spirit (9)

21 Where in Scotland I stagger around

a bit sozzled (9)

24 Period of rule of a monarch (5)

25 Group of three stone seats for

clergy in a church (7)

26 Bad feeling,animosity,enmity etc.

towards someone (3,4)

27 In Wales,the red-bellied charr (7)

28 Flight feathers of a bird (7)


1 See 10ac (7)

2 Exact copy,esp. one on a smaller scale (7)

3 (Medical) Non-technical term for epistaxis (9)

4 Momentum,energy,impetus etc. (5) 5 ( Scottish) Rope over a carthorse's

back to support the shafts (9)

6 Slant or inclinatio­n of a surface (5) 7 Protective closed-end finger cap

used in sewing (7)

8 Clergyman who transposed initial

letters of words (7)

14 Print textured to resemble an oil

painting (9)

15 Small round boiled sweet (9)

16 Iron basket of oil or pitch,on a

pole,burned to provide light (7)

17 Person with access to restricted informatio­n (7)

19 (Scottish) Rented farm or the rent paid for such (7)

20 A state of great confusion or

complexity (7)

22 Norse war leader who founded the duchy of Normandy (5)

23 (Scottish) A fine rain or drizzle (5)

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