The Herald

Be careful what you wish for Truck drivers used as pawns


A GOOD proportion of Scottish people were happy to be part of Europe but the narrow national UK vote in favour of leaving, combined with the 80-member majority of Conservati­ves in Parliament, has moved us toward next week’s exit.

This can be compared to a man, happily married for over 35 years, divorcing his wife, leaving his home and two children, thinking that he can spend the rest of his life as a single man sleeping with highly-sexed younger women.

A few years later he is sitting alone in his crummy bed sit, eating Pot Noodles and thinking of the past.

Take care.

THE treatment of the lorry drivers at Dover is yet another disgracefu­l indictment of the UK Government’s handling of both Covid-19 and Brexit. The Covid mutated virus late announceme­nt was mismanagem­ent of the highest order and kickstarte­d the port crisis. The Brexit lack of preparedne­ss at the port itself was in full public gaze.

Our esteemed ministers have been telling us for months how well prepared we are for the end of the transition period. If this was the case, even the most basic of contingenc­y plans would have considered the welfare of the truck drivers, so it does smack of the usual lies that emanate from this bunch. Reporters described the conditions for the truckers as horrendous. I am not surprised to see their frustratio­n turn to anger. These key essential workers were festive pawns in a political game between UK and France. Tut-tut to both nations in the season of goodwill.

Paul Morrison,

Glasgow G69.

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