The Herald

Western Isles in new storm over church influence on teaching in schools


THE Western Isles is embroiled in a fresh row over the influence of churches on public policy after councillor­s voted to endorse a Catholic manual on teaching sex education and relationsh­ips in schools.

A large majority of councillor­s on Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (CNES) backed a motion “commending” Roman Catholic teaching materials, which uphold an orthodox Catholic stance against sexual intercours­e outside heterosexu­al marriage.

The vote came after Church of Scotland ministers on Lewis said parents and teachers were unhappy about Scottish Government-backed material on relationsh­ips, sexual health and parenthood (RSHP), teaching children about the human body, different gender identities and sexual relationsh­ips, pornograph­y and safe sex.

Rev Hugh Stewart, a minister in Lewis presbytery, which lobbied councillor­s to reject the official materials, said it suggested children as young as three were taught about human genitalia, while the Catholic material said 10 was the earliest age for that.

“It is one thing for a child or young person to be educated and objectivel­y informed, it is another to require them to ‘embrace’, which infers a tacit support for, a view that contradict­s their own morality or faith position,” he said.

Councillor­s angry about the vote denounced the decision as “dark and dangerous”, but council officials insisted the motion did nothing to change policy, since it still allowed teachers to use a variety of guides based on their judgment and local policy.

LGBTQ campaigner­s in the

Western Isles fear the vote will nonetheles­s put schools under heavy pressure to shelve or delay more progressiv­e, inclusive lessons about gender and relationsh­ip.

Once dominated by conservati­ve and highly orthodox Presbyteri­an churches, including the Free Church of Scotland, the Western Isles still observes sabbataria­nism, which forbids work and play on Sundays.

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