The Herald

Hold Trump to account


I ENJOYED Catriona Stewart’s article (“The final end of a great man, the greatest”, The Herald, January 20). I hope we don’t see ex-president Trump on a golf course in Scotland anytime soon; even if it might give me the opportunit­y, wished for in an earlier letter, to tell him he’s a loser. Of course, I wouldn’t be playing golf: spoils a good walk.

It will be interestin­g to see what Donald Trump does next. Recently, a friend was talking about Idi Amin, Uganda’s brutal dictator and the Last King of Scotland. After he was overthrown, he was given sanctuary by that nice regime in Saudi Arabia.

And three years ago, on holiday in Ethiopia with my wife, I was

shocked to learn that Mengistu Haile Mariam was still alive. Mengistu headed the Marxist

Derg government in Addis Ababa when I was there in 1984/85, during the great famine, and it was clear that they were making a dreadful situation worse, exploiting the famine to bolster their grip on power. After the

Derg were toppled, Mengistu fled and was given sanctuary by that generous chap Robert Mugabe. He certainly put me off Marxism.

So where is Donald J Trump going to go when the heat’s turned up and presidenti­al immunity no longer applies?

I’m sure Kim Jong-un would give him a warm welcome in North Korea, but suspect

Vladimir Putin no longer has any use for him. Jair Bolsonaro could invite him to Brazil, though the golfing options might be a bit limited. You can tell a lot about someone from the friends they keep, and it’s clear Mr Trump has few friends in Europe.

There seems to be a view that Mr Trump should be allowed to walk away unscathed from the carnage and division he’s created. I disagree: actions have consequenc­es and no one should be above the law. I hope America is strong enough and brave enough to hold Mr Trump to account for the vast amount of damage he’s done.

Doug Maughan,


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