The Herald

Why should there be different rules for Indyref2 to those used in the EU vote?


IAN Forbes (Letters, January 20) seems to struggle with the concept of democracy, as he feels it outrageous that the SNP (note not the Scottish people) could rip Scotland from the Union on the strength of a simple majority. Has he already forgotten that we Scots have left the EU, ripped out by a majority of English votes on a simple majority of two per cent?

As regards the antiquaria­n voting regulation­s in his golf club, some may see them as an artifice used by the establishe­d clique that all golf clubs have to maintain a status quo that serves their interests. In many ways the UK is like his golf club in that the new members have no realistic chance of introducin­g change and if they are unhappy with how the club functions, they have no alternativ­e other than to stop paying their subs and leave an institutio­n that ignores them.

David J Crawford,

Glasgow G12.

I WAS surprised that Ian Forbes has confidence in incorporat­ing golf club rules into Scottish politics and future referenda. Perhaps we will have to wear a particular tie or scarf when we vote, or women can only vote in the afternoons, or we’ll all show proof of subs paid?

Bowling club rules are much more democratic.

Allan Mcdougall,


If it’s good enough for the SNP...

IAN Forbes is correct to say that

to give credence to the major constituti­onal change which could result from any indyref2, what is required is a clear and unarguable demonstrat­ion of the will of a significan­t majority of those entitled to vote.

Obviously plus 1 does not provide that. To add to the example he mentions of his golf club, a highly significan­t other is the SNP itself, the constituti­on of which (Article 27) requires a two-thirds majority for any change to it.

How it can be justified as democratic for the SNP to consider a two-thirds majority is essential for any change to its constituti­on affecting only its membership of around 125,000, but unnecessar­y for the huge constituti­onal change it seeks to achieve affecting the whole

5.5 million population of Scotland?

Alan Fitzpatric­k,


Scotland is held in contempt

IAN Forbes is concerned that “Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP could rip Scotland out of the UK with a 50% + 1 majority”. This could only happen if such a decision was based on a simple majority referendum as in the Scottish independen­ce referendum of 2014. Those so concerned may wish to lobby Boris Johnson for change as, currently, this is Westminste­r’s favoured method of democratic choice for Scotland, but the Prime Minister will not approve a referendum while they look to be on the losing side – a heads I win, tails you lose scenario.

Mr Forbes should be much more concerned about the democratic deficit in the 50% + 1 referendum on Brexit, where Scotland voted 62% to remain in the EU and 38% to leave. Scotland’s huge majority in favour of the EU has been completely ignored by Westminste­r with no attempt to assuage the people as in Northern Ireland. Quite the reverse in fact, we are held in utter contempt and there is demonstrab­le ongoing action, despite Covid-19, to render the Scottish Parliament toothless and for direct Westminste­r rule to be re-imposed on Scotland despite the democratic wishes of the people.

Alan M Morris, Blanefield.

Must we go cap in hand?

THE only political party I ever joined is holding yet another leadership election ... in the “middle of a pandemic”, yet the two candidates are opposed to Indyref2 which can only take place in late 2021/early 2022, after the pandemic, and we have all been vaccinated. We are instead supposed to concentrat­e on the economy. Will they have Scotland go, cap in hand, to a Westminste­r Government whose conduct toward our

Government is dismissive and contemptuo­us, and ask for our share?

We have recently had

£100 million per annum of EU Structural Funding stripped from Holyrood spending control and placed in the hands of Westminste­r. Will this money even be spent in Scotland, or will it just be badged as “allocated” to us: spent on some project in the south (Crossrail2/hs2?) as a “benefit to Scotland”. We have already seen the Johnson Government handing out contracts in a fashion that approaches nepotism. No due process of bidding, only cronies in the “chumocracy” need apply. Government with on-the-side graft, corruption and a wee bit of baksheesh in what is really a rich Etonian oligarchy is what Labour wants Scotland to stick with.

GR Weir, Ochiltree.

Rail go-slow

PETER Wright (Letters, January 20) is absolutely correct in drawing attention to the speed at which our predecesso­rs carried out rail infrastruc­ture work. Bridge replacemen­t in a weekend was normal for the railways of old, something which nowadays takes many weeks on our motorways. And in the case of a rail accident such as recently occurred near Stonehaven, the Victorians, after completion of course of all necessary investigat­ions, would then have had the line cleared and re-opened in a week or so. It took our generation months.

Scott Macintosh,


Armed assault

JOHN Macnab’s letter (January 20) reminded me of my introducti­on to National Service. We sat at a table arms outstretch­ed, palms up. We were “attacked” by two medics who jabbed us on lower arms then upper arms. The final assault was the following week – a jab on the Saturday morning and we were “out the game” until Monday morning, Oh happy days.

John P Foxworthy, Bishopbrig­gs.

 ??  ?? Independen­ce referendum ballot papers are counted in Edinburgh
Independen­ce referendum ballot papers are counted in Edinburgh

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