The Herald

UK fought a war for the Falklands – now it’s been failed by Brexit


ALMOST four decades on from the end of the Falklands War, another serious threat is troubling its 3,400 population. It seems that the British archipelag­o in the South Atlantic was a missing link in the Brexit negotiatio­ns. The Falklands fisheries sector, which accounts for the major part of their revenue, has been hit with crippling EU tariffs.

As a UK overseas territory, the

Falkland Islands, together with all the overseas countries and territorie­s of EU Member States, benefited from something called the EU Overseas Associatio­n Decision.

For the Falkland Islands this meant tariff and quota-free market access to the EU. With more than 90% of Falklands fisheries exports going to Europe, the imposition of tariffs of between 6 and 18% since the beginning of the year has had a devastatin­g impact.

The Falklands Islands Government (FIG) worked closely with the UK throughout the tortuous Brexit negotiatio­n process, as the British Government struggled to secure a future trading relationsh­ip with the EU.

But the European Commission stated that, as they had no mandate to negotiate on behalf of their own members’ overseas territorie­s, they were unwilling to discuss the UK’S overseas territorie­s. The Falkland Islands’ case was allowed to fall by the Brexit wayside and FIG’S plea to avoid the imposition of tariffs on their fishery and other products was never heard. The situation for islanders is acute, as they have no viable alternativ­e markets for these exports.

Their nearest neighbour is, of course, Argentina, whose president Alberto Fernandez has stepped up his country’s claim to the Malvinas, as they call them, since he was elected at the end of 2019.

Now the Argentinia­n foreign minister Felipe Solá has gloated over the

Falklands’ predicamen­t on Twitter, stating that it was his country’s interventi­on which led to the EU’S decision to exclude the remote archipelag­o from the Brexit negotiatio­ns.

Solá claimed that he had contacted the EU’S foreign policy chief, the Spanish Socialist Josep Borrell, and had briefed the foreign ministers of all 27 EU member states on Argentina’s claim of sovereignt­y over the islands.

He implied that this was why the EU decided not to include the Falklands and South Georgia and the South Sandwich islands in the Brexit deal.

When Josep Borrell was Spain’s foreign minister he repeatedly tried to promote Spanish claims to Gibraltar, so his dislike of Britain and sympathy for Argentina has come as no surprise.

However, Borrell should be careful what he wishes for as there are considerab­le Spanish interests in the

Falklands fishery, not to mention 6,000 Spanish jobs.

The biggest fishery in the Falkland Islands is for squid, all of which is imported into the EU via the Spanish port of Vigo.

Whilst the squid is caught in the Falklands, the processing, added value, distributi­on, and marketing occurs in Spain. In 2019, Spanish/falklands owned companies caught 79,000 tonnes of squid worth £180 million, under licences issued by FIG. If tariffs continue they will face huge financial losses, potentiall­y abandoning the fishery and wrecking the Falklands economy.

FIG sells licences for catching two kinds of squid, Illex and Loligo. The Loligo exists wholly in Falklands waters and, as a result, is carefully conserved by the islanders. By operating their licensing system for the squid fisheries, FIG is able to analyse carefully the exploitati­on of the

Loligo squid, closing the fishery at the first sign of over-fishing.

However, the Illex squid is a migratory species which utilises the continenta­l shelf, crossing both internatio­nal waters and other exclusive economic zones, including that of Argentina, on its way to the Falklands.

The islanders are seriously concerned that their efforts at conservati­on are being undermined by unrestrict­ed fishing on the high seas, where hundreds of Chinese fishing vessels spread out over vast areas of the South Atlantic and hoover up thousands of tonnes of Illex squid before they reach the Falklands’ 200-mile exclusion zone.

It has been a long-term ambition of FIG to have a regional fisheries management organisati­on, covering a vast geographic­al area of internatio­nal waters in the South Atlantic, to provide protection for the species.

Although it is Spanish companies in joint ventures with Falkland businesses that are primarily involved in the Loligo fishery, there are also Taiwanese and Korean vessels buying FIG licences for fishing the Illex squid. Their trawlers are registered in the Falklands and jointly owned by Falklander­s and European or internatio­nal companies, who pay income tax to FIG on their profits.

The substantia­l income netted from the sale of these licences keeps the Falklands economy afloat. Indeed, the superb education, health and infrastruc­ture enjoyed by the tiny population on the islands has been paid for largely by squid money. All of that is now under threat.

In a Christmas message to the islanders, Boris Johnson promised that the UK Government will help them “face the change that is coming.” He blamed the EU for their intransige­nce on the issue and pledged: “You have not been forgotten or neglected.”

Teslyn Barkman MLA (Member of the Legislativ­e Assembly), who holds the FIG portfolio for Natural Resources, has summed up the crisis.

She says: “We’re a British Overseas Territory and although we may be located 8,000 miles away from the UK in the South Atlantic, we are very proud to be part of the UK family. In our 2013 referendum, 99.8 percent of Falkland Islanders voted to remain a British territory. We have worked very hard to build a strong, self-sufficient economy which is thriving. However, our stable financial foundation­s are now at significan­t risk from the imposition of these fisheries tariffs by the EU.”

Almost four decades on from the Falklands War we must not ignore their appeal for help. Since 1982, Falkland islanders have used their freedom to progress their economic, social and political developmen­t, using their selfdeterm­ination in every sphere of life.

Apart from defence, the Falkland Islands do not receive any financial assistance from the UK. Their internatio­nally acclaimed sustainabl­e fisheries sector is the cornerston­e of their economy.

It is of critical importance that tariff free access is restored and the islanders now look to Boris Johnson and the UK Government to intercede with the EU on their behalf.

When Josep Borrell was Spain’s foreign minister he promoted Spanish claims to Gibraltar. His dislike of Britain is no surprise

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 ??  ?? Port Stanley in the Falkland Islands Picture: Peter Macdiarmid/getty Images
Port Stanley in the Falkland Islands Picture: Peter Macdiarmid/getty Images

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