The Herald

The key battle constituen­cies up for grabs as the SNP attempts to secure its overall majority and Unionist parties try to halt Indyref2 calls


KEY marginal seats could open the door to the SNP claiming that allusive outright majority – or put a stop to a mandate for another independen­ce referendum.

In 2016, the SNP would have won an outright majority had they secured just an extra 721 votes across two marginal constituen­cies.


Scottish Labour’s deputy leader, Jackie Baillie, has the slimmest of all the Holyrood majorities to defend. With a lead of just 109 votes, the SNP’S Toni Giugliano will be hoping for a big scalp by unseating one of Labour’s most prominent voices.


Ruth Davidson is not seeking re-election but her Edinburgh Central seat will not be easy for the Tories to keep a grasp of – particular­ly with a majority of just 610 votes. The challenge for Tory Edinburgh councillor Scott Douglas is tough given that former SNP Westminste­r leader Angus Robertson is standing against him.


The Conservati­ves’ Alexander Burnett is hoping to defend his 900-vote majority against the SNP.

Former SNP communicat­ions chief Fergus Mutch is contesting the seat.


The SNP’S Roseanna Cunningham, is stepping down having secured a fairly comfortabl­e majority in 2016, winning by 1,422 votes. But this year’s contest could be a different story. The SNP’S Jim Fairlie is up against Conservati­ve MSP Liz Smith.

EDINBURGH SOUTHERN Labour’s Daniel Johnson will try clinging on to his seat, given his 1,123 majority from 2016. Mr Johnson faces a stern battle from the SNP’S Catriona Macdonald.


The Libdems have developed a stronghold in the west of the capital.

The SNP’S Sarah Masson believes the constituen­cy is “winnable” despite Alex Cole-hamilton winning in 2016 with a majority just shy of 3,000 votes. The Libdems are

throwing a lot of effort at keeping hold of the seat with the party’s leader Willie Rennie launching both the Libdems’ campaign and manifesto in Edinburgh Western.


Annabelle Ewing is looking to retain her Fife constituen­cy for the SNP, but faces a challenge from Labour MSP Alex Rowley, who previously won the seat in a 2014 by-election. Labour has a 3,041 majority to overcome – while the SNP’S campaign has been thrown a twist after Cowdenbeat­h’s MP, Neale Hanvey, defected from the party to join Alba.


The Tories’ John Scott edged past the SNP’S Jennifer Dunn in 2016 with a slender 750 votes victory. The result will make this a key target for the SNP with Siobhan Brown hoping to turn the tables.


The SNP has held the seat since its creation in 2011 – but popular

MSP Gail Ross is not seeking re-election.

The Libdems are viewing this contest as their only realistic chance of gaining a constituen­cy.

The SNP’S Maree Todd is looking to win the seat and is facing the Libdems’ Molly



East Lothian has been held by Labour’s Iain Gray since 2007 but he is stepping down as an MSP this year.

Labour’s Martin Whitfield is contesting the seat after losing his Westminste­r job to the SNP’S Kenny Macaskill in 2019.

Mr Macaskill could play a key role, after he ditched the party to join the Alba Party and is standing on the Lothian regional list.

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